Nov 09, 2005 07:00
I'm sure you're tired of seeing this smeared all over your friends page but damn Texas, why you gotta be like that?
Depending on the source you look at (I'm still waking up so I haven't really had a chance to look into it myself yet) Prop 2 passed with a vote of between 74 and 77 percent in favor. What the fuck man? OMGZ PROTECT TEH MARRIGE. Can't let those fucking queers have legal rights, that would be TURRIBUL. Conservative Christian Fundamentalist Zerg FTW!
So many ignorant hateful closed-minded people out there, and nobody stood up and did anything about it. Not enough did, anyway.
Everyone out there that didn't vote, didn't go, couldn't get around to it for whatever reason? I drove home at Mach 3 to get in that door. After a little looking, I see that 1,706,580 people voted yes - 534,350 people voted no. That's roughly 2.2 million people. A quick google search shows that Texas has a population of 22.5 million people. Do the math. If enough of you "exercise in futility" people would've gotten up and gone three blocks to fill out some little arrows the headlines might have been different this morning. Evidently they need to put polls in all the Krispy Kreme's around the state if we want people to actually show up and take part in the democratic process. "Come get your free fatbiscuit you fucking monkeys!" I bet you'd see a 50% or more increase in ballots cast if a polling station was put up in every Starbucks around this damn state. Of course then the first person to legally change their name to Grande Mocha Frappucino would wind up a Senator.
I wasn't born in Texas but my family moved here when I wasn't quite 2 years old. I've always identified the Lone Star State as my home, where I come from. The whole Texan Pride thing might be pushing it a little far, but I've definitely got my fair share of the "Fuck you, I'm from Texas" mentality. Living in the bible belt sucks sometimes (No liquor stores on Sunday?!) but I've always considered this place my home.
Fuck me, I'm from Florida?!