As promised, pictures from Tuesday's little jaunt to OKC.
Nice jacket.
I love this picture of Jimmy Urine:
The show was totally nuts, EVERYBODY was drenched in sweat:
Lyn-Z has devil eyes and plays the hell out of the bass:
Jimmy eating a banana on stage right after it ended:
We stayed after the show and got pics and autographs and talked with the band:
Jessie and Jimmy:
Me and Jimmy:
Jessie and Lyn-Z:
Me and Lyn-Z:
Jessie and Kitty:
Jessie and Steve, Righ?:
Jesse decided to let Steve, Righ? vandalize her:
Then we left.
On the drive home we had to stop for gas at this little place in the middle of nowhere. We walked inside and ... OH NO! A GIANT FUCKING BEAR!
It tried to EAT ME!
But I beat it up with a spatula. Then Jessie came and we made friends with the bear:
Then we drove home through some of the coolest fog EVER. The end.