The pretty productive weekend

Mar 16, 2009 19:39

Originally published at from beyond the viewfinder. You can comment here or there.

It’s been a long while since I was forced to do repetitive admin work (eg. scanning receipts…). To make the best out of my AIO (all-in-one) printer, I digitized all my receipts:D Now everything seems more manageable. No more reading off faded receipts. Let’s just hope this habit stays.

While waiting for my dinner last night at a coffeeshop, I saw this old lady holding a camera, mumbling to herself. I am pretty sure she’s mentally unsound. 5 minutes later, she started screaming at some empty space. I felt a little sad for her because ME thinks it’s not a normal social behaviour. Then, I tried something else. I put myself in her shoes and found out that, maybe it isn’t as bad as I thought it is. I mean, seriously, how do you think a mad person sees the world (will dr kenneth please answer this question? ok, that said, I know we need to meet for lunch soon:D)? She might even be happier than I am.

Do you feel like you feel or do you feel like what people feel about you? In this inperfect world, I think we’re somewhere in between. But I think she belongs to the extreme end. I wonder, how does it feel to be there. I went home with alot of questions, alot of things to think about. One mad woman.

Alrightie! I’m feeling very good today. Will be doing up my photo clip project tomorrow!:D *does a little jai ho jiggle*

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