Title: Quidditch-toned Lies
Author: Felaine
Rating: PG?
Warning: Adult situations & slash
Words: 100
Disclaimer: JKR's, not mine
Summary: Inspired by the "Quidditch-toned thighs" question at snarry games' authors interviews
*...* indicate thoughts
cut to spare my LJ friends who think HP stands for Hewlett-Packard
"C'mon, Severus." (
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She looked at her hands, smeared with crumbles of gore, they were shaking. That was it. She continued, but again, there was something…
A movement?
Shocked she tore her hands away and looked over the body, it must have been an illusion! But no the toe of a boot sticking out of his cloak was twitching. She leaped up, her heart was beating fast… And her battle reflexes settled in, she posed herself in fighter-stance, wand on the ready.
To her bewilderment a raspy moan came from the dead body, it tried to move, she shrieked, resolved to fight an Inferi.
“Please,” it said very huskily, so faintly, the blood rushing in her ears almost prevented her, from understanding, what the thing was saying: “please, Miss Granger, from all the people I can think of to be responsible to groom my hair for my burial, you are the last person I would choose to be apt for the task.”
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