(no subject)

May 30, 2009 16:07

(001) Your gender: Female.
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Decidedly unlabeled.
(003) Single?: For the most part.
(004) Want to be?: Depends how you look at it.
(005) Your birth day: June 10th. Coming up!
(008) Your height: 5'2", but you'd never know.
(009) The color of your eyes: Brown, though I've heard people use hazel to describe them occasionally.
(010) Happy with it?: They can be nice sometimes.
(011) The color of your hair: Mousy brown with accidental blonde highlights.
(012) Happy with it?: Until I decide to do something else with it.
(013) Left/right/ambidextrous?: Ambidextrous, no matter the activity.
(014) Your living arrangement?: Apartment-style dorm, sharing with three other girls. Only until the Fall, and then I'll have my best friend with me.
(015) Your family: They are back at the house. Don't feel like describing.
(016) What's your job?: Full-time student, lover, and friend.
(017) Piercings?: Ears, several times.
(018) Tattoos?: Music notes on the wrist, peace signs on the chest, bound to get more soon.
(019) Obsessions?: Art, giraffes, Megan Fox, you name it.
(020) Do you speak another language?: That's funny, that's a very funny question.
(021) Have a favorite quote?: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn't make any sense."
(022) Do you have a webpage?: This is my webpage.
(023) Do you live in the moment?: I do, but I also believe that self-control is important.
(024) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: If I want others to be tolerant of me, I must be tolerant of them.
(025) Do you have any secrets?: Who doesn't?
(026) Do you hate yourself?: Absolutely not. That's uncalled for.
(027) Do you like your handwriting?: It's ideal, yes.
(028) Do you have any bad habits?: Certainly. I'm entirely too controlling.
(029) What is the compliment you get most from people?: To quote a girl yesterday: "I'm just not as intelligent as you!"
(030) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: I'm not sure of that.
(031) What's your biggest fear?: Failure.
(032) Can you sing?: I absolutely can. Ask anyone.
(033) Are you a loser?: Most definitely, and proud of it.
(034) Are you a daredevil?: It depends on the situation.
(035) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: I fear my uncertainty sometimes, and there is a lot that I dislike about myself.
(036) Are you passive or aggressive?: Passive. Always passive. Sometimes I wish I could be more aggressive.
(037) What is your greatest strength and weakness?: My greatest strength is that I am able to live without regrets, and my biggest weakness is never quite knowing where I want to be in life.
(038) If you could change one thing about yourself?: Right now, just my hair. I need to be me.
(039) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: Creativity.
(040) How do you vent?: I bottle up my emotions, so when I vent, it's normally through a long and vicious rant.
(041) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: It truly depends on the situation.
(042) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: I choose to live without regrets.
(043) Do you think life has been good so far?: It hasn't been exactly how I've wanted it, but it has been the best it can be, considering the choices I've made.
(044) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Carpe diem. (Agreed, 'Nay)
(045) What do you like the most about your body?: I think I like the freckle on my chest the most.
(046) And least?: I'm far too thin.
(047) Do you think you are good looking?: Sure.
(048) Are you confident?: I tend to be, yes.
(049) What is the fictional character you're most like?: I have no idea.
(050) Do people know how you feel?: When I open up to them, yes.
(051) Smoke?: No, thank you.
(052) Do drugs?: Negative.
(053) Read the newspaper?: Only if there's one in reaching distance.
(054) Pray?: Not really.
(055) Go to church?: The church would be struck by lightning if I were to enter.
(056) Talk to strangers who IM you?: Strangers don't IM me. Ever.
(057) Sleep with stuffed animals?: No, but I have a bunch of them lined up on my window sill.
(058) Take walks in the rain?: Yes, but it's rare that I get the chance.
(059) Talk to people even though you hate them?: Sometimes it's necessary.
(060) Drive?: Don't know how.
(061) Like your voice?: A girl yesterday told me that I have a nice speaking voice.
(062) Hurt yourself?: Despite the fact that I'm a masochist, I rarely hurt myself anymore. At least not physically.
(063) Been out of the country?: There are so many places I'd like to go.
(064) Eaten something that made other people sick?: Not that I'm aware of.
(065) Burped?: Only when drinking Dr. Pepper.
(066) Been unfaithful?: I'm not that person.
(067) Been in love?: It's transformed me like alchemy.
(068) Gone skinny dipping?: Never.
(069) Had a surgery?: Yes, of course.
(070) Ran away from home?: Yes, but I always went back.
(071) Played strip poker: Once, but I didn't strip far.
(072) Gotten beaten up?: Does this include breaking my hip?
(073) Been picked on?: Well, gee, I wonder.
(074) Been on stage?: Too many times to count, but never ever enough.
(075) Slept outdoors?: Relay For Life count?
(076) Thought about suicide?: That's a given.
(077) Pulled an all-nighter?: Multiple times. I'm in college, what can you expect?
(078) Talked on the phone all night?: Of course.
(079) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? Yes, quite a few times. Even recently.
(080) Slept all day?: Yes, I can never get enough sleep.
(081) Killed someone?: Not that I'm aware of.
(082) Made out with a stranger?: I've made out with acquaintances, but not strangers, really.
(083) Had sex with a stranger?: No way.
(084) Thought you're going crazy?: Almost every day.
(085) Kissed the same sex?: Yes. Hopefully that doesn't surprise anyone.
(086) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: You bet, and even enjoyed it. Imagine that!
(087) Been betrayed?: I'm sure.
(088) Stolen anything?: Not that I recall.
(089) Been in a mosh-pit?: Yeah, and proceeded to break my wheelchair.
(090) Had a nervous breakdown?: They come and go. Maybe once every few months.
(091) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: Is discussing ways to make it better on both sides a criticism?
(092) Bungee jumped?: Yikes, no, afraid of heights.
the last person...
(093) That haunted you?: Tyler haunts my thoughts.
(094) You wanted to kill?: One of my roommates for not taking out the garbage.
(095) That you laughed at?: A girl who served me ice cream.
(096) That laughed at you?: Everybody laughs at me.
(097) That turned you on?: Let's not talk about this, shall we?
(098) You went shopping with?: Jordan, Alex, Tori, and so on.
(099) To disappoint you?: Again, one of my roommates.
(100) To ask you out?: Oh who knows? I couldn't even begin to tell you.
(101) To make you cry?: I made myself cry last.
(102) To brighten up your day?: Cameron and Stacy last night.
(103) You talked to on the phone?: Kirby, to ask her to get me out of bed.
(104) You talked to through IM?: Courtney.
(105) You saw?: Kirby.
(106) You thought was completely insane?: Sandy, for deciding to visit me instead of going to Virginia.
(107) You wanted to be?: I always just want to be myself.
(108) You told off?: I don't have a clue. Probably Shawn.
(109) You trusted?: I trusted Ali last night. Surprise, surprise.
(110) You turned down?: Shawn.
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