One of the main features of the City society is the distinction between adults, those eighteen or older, and minors, those younger and deemed unfit to take care of themselves. This decision is normally made with the character's 'physical age' in mind, but sometimes someone with the appearance of a child may be granted an adult classification due to advanced mental maturity or a slower physical ageing process. Childlike adults are fairly common in the fictional worlds used in the City.
» The classification of your character may be appealed by that person with an e-mail to '', the IC modjournal's inbox. Some may be rejected without explanation, and others have a good chance of being accepted. Consult the mods if you aren't sure whether your character has grounds or motivation to appeal.
» Adults are the default Citizens referred to in IC announcements. Minors, however, have several major restrictions placed on them as a result of laws in this country, which may not be avoided even through the loophole that allows the experiment itself to take place.
» Firstly, no minor may purchase alcohol, tobacco or bladed objects. Generally drugs or similar substances are not on sale in the City, but anything that may be used as such will be similarly withheld. That is to say, no dispenser will allow the sale of these items to a person whose credit key lists them as a minor.
» Secondly, your status will determine who you share an apartment with. Each house is equipped to contain two adults and two minors in a quasi-familial manner, and the selection algorithms are faulty at best. Placements may not be contested, or rather, they can be but all attempts will be unsuccessful.