Who is the last person you kissed? Not tellin because we have too many mutual friends :P
How was your day overall? Breakfast with the girls, gig at an adult center, taught a lesson, coffee with some of the said girls plus one that's home from Florida! I think that would qualify for a pretty good day :)
Have you kissed someone more than 20 times in 09? Ermmm yes...?
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone for 5 minutes or more? A potential client
Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? yes
Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? lol yes
Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? yes
Did your last kiss take place on a bed? yes...
Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you? Wow, way too many questions regarding this one kiss...
Do you laugh a lot? haha yes :P
Have you ever been nice to someone who treated you like crap? ohhh yes...
Do you currently have any hickeys? nope
Is it hard for you to be happy for someone else? no
Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason? good
Would you skydive for $400? perhaps!
Is it easy to annoy you? kindasortayeah
How did you sleep last night? ok, got to bed late, had to get up early =/
Do you have a younger sister? nada
Are any of your friends virgins? I'm assuming so... and by that I mean my younger friends :P
Have you held hands with anyone in the past week? no
Do you want to get married and have kids? eventually, yes
Is the last person you kissed older than you? yes. Again with the "last kiss" related questions!!
If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else right now, do you think they would get mad? probably not
What do you like more, Fruits or Veggies? fruits, I think?
Out of Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Or Subway. Which one do you love the most? It all depends on what kind of mood I'm in for food tbh...
What’s your favorite color out of these? Green, Yellow, Blue, Or Purple? bluuuuue
Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone? I'm assuming no...
This time last year, can you remember who you liked? yes
Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? yes
What does your last outgoing text say? "Sorry for the million of texts, hope you're having fun at the party!"
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? a few
Where and what were you doing Friday night at 10pm? Last Friday was Christmas Day... To be honest, I really don't remember... lol.
If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be? Santos
How often do you hold back what you want to say? I bite my tongue... a lot.
When someone says "We need to talk", what runs through your head? ahhhhhhhh...!!!! (bad news???)
Last movie you saw in theaters? oh my... um... geez. It may have been "The Hangover" last July...
Are you good at giving directions? The RI way ;)
Are you afraid of roller coasters? nope!
Ever had a song sang about/for you? "Bowling for Soup" has a song called "Emily" as does "From First to Last"! lol. The answer is no :P
Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or everywhere? Probably in the safety of my own car :P
Is there a person who means a lot to you? There's more than one
Are you nice to everyone? I try to be...
Would you ever eat a bug for 1,000 dollars? Blargh... maybe.
Where is the person that has your heart right now? idk.
Why do you think people cheat? idk :(
How late did you stay up last night and why? 2am'ish? Ladies night in with the girls and then Morgan stayed over so we ended up talking forever before falling asleep.
Honestly, has anyone ever seen you in your underwear? lol yes...
What school did you go to in 8th grade? South Kingstown Junior High... which is now Curtis Corner Middle School. Pfffttttt....
Do you hate when people call you when you're sleeping? Sometimes. My voice is usually blah when I first wake up so I tend not to answer unless I feel it could be a potentially important call.
The last person you texted is the person a he or she? she
Do you hate it when people smoke around you? yes, inhaling smoke gives me an awful headache after awhile.
Is it easy for someone to make you smile? I guess so.
What woke you up yesterday? My internal clock, which I ignored and went back to sleep.
Last thing you drank? water
Did you have a dream last night? tbh, I don't remember.
The phone rings; what do you say? "hello?" Even though I have caller ID :P Although every once in awhile I still do say "Hey, what's up?"
Will tomorrow be better than today? I don't know, today was a pretty good day...
Do you sleep with the door open or closed? Well, my door doesn't close all the way so um... 3/4 of the way shut :P
Do you care of what people think of you? Probably more than I should.
Are you texting anyone right now? If so, who? nope
Why are people so obsessed with Justin Bieber? who...?
Have you ever been to Africa? nope
Would you go? I <3 traveling :) (yes)
What was the highlight of your week? Spending time with my girls last night :)
When is the next time you will kiss someone? It will happen when it happens.
What color shirt are you wearing? grey
How long is your hair? chin-length
Last movie you watched? Geez... I don't know.
Favorite color? blue
Last thing you ate? white rice with spicy broccoli and shrimp
Are you happy right now? Happy in general, tired though o_x
What did you say last? "Bye" to that potential client
Where is your phone? On the desk next to me
What color are your eyes? "dark and mysterious" (!!!!)
Are you left-handed? nada
Spell your name missing every other letter: Eiy. Ew...
Do you have any pets? Toby-dog!!!!
What do you dislike currently? My financial situation at the moment :(
What are you listening to? Nothing
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? World Peace ... lol. I don't know.
What is your favorite smell? ummm I...dk...
What were you doing at midnight last night? Eating ice cream and watching the Food Network with the girls.
When is your birthday? 9/16
Who has the same phone as you? A LOT of people.
Last time you went swimming in a pool? Umm, maybe sometime last year?
Do you read your horoscope? If I'm reading the paper. It also comes up on my igoogle.com thing but it's towards the bottom of the page so only if I remember to scroll, lol.
Where was the last place you bought something? Starbucks
How do you feel about your hair right now? good!
Do you bite your nails? Ugh, yes...
Do you have any expensive jewelery? Some
MySpace or Facebook? fb
What was or is your favorite subject in school? Not gonna lie, Business Organization and Management wasn't as terrible as I thought it might've been...
Do you have Verizon? Noooo.
Do you have any hidden talents? Guess that's for people to find out ;)
Favorite Song? Not sure I have a favorite but I do "like" quite a few songs.
Do you like to sing at all? yes. But good luck getting me to do so in public in a non-music classroom setting :P
Where does most of your family live? Immediate family - RI, extended family - Taiwan :(
What are your siblings named? Clifford, Cliff for short, and yes, I named him and NO, I didn't really think about the fact that Clifford the Big Red Dog had an owner named Emily (Elizabeth).
Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Spoiled, no. Lucky, yes.
What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? Oh my gooooooooooooooooooood >_<
Are you dumb? That's debatable... haha :P
Know any other languages? Mandarin... kindasorta... Rosetta Stone, here I come to polish up my Mandarin!
Ever write a coded message? Hahaha YES. Does anyone remember writing code "notes" to each other in high school?? You'd have to keep another sheet somewhere that had all the symbols and meanings written out. Or that ridiculous one where you swapped certain letters for others or the last letter was tacked onto the beginning of the word or something??? Ridiculous...
Have you ever been IN a wedding? In as in in the wedding party? No. In as in part of the whole production, many many many many times.
Do you have any children? nope
Did you take a nap today? I wish I did but I ended up being fine after drink tons of tea.
Who has the same birthday as you? The Murphy's, Natasha, Libby... I think that may be it?
Do you want to be famous one day? I think I'm halfway there... lol. Catching up to my mom and dad :P
Any Pet Peeves? a few
Are you multitasking right now? Not really, my brain is functioning at maybe 53% right now due to be tired...
Do you like Britney Spears? she's ok
What is your least favorite chore? trash duty
Ever been out of the country? Multiple times
Where were you born? The state that's round on both sides and high in the middle ;)
Could you handle being in the military? Haha no f'in way.
What is your average cell phone bill? $85/month
How many pairs of shoes do you own? 20+ seeing as how the shoe rack on my door holds 10 and I have shoes in my car and other various locations in the house...
Are your toes always painted? nope
How many piercings do you have? 2
What are you doing today? There's only about an hour left of today so... sleeping.
Have you ever been gambling? nope.
Have you ever been to Disneyland or world? Yes, but I honestly don't remember which one...
Last thing you cooked? Umm... don't know :P
How's the weather? It's cold. The weather was kind of funky today too with it kinda sorta raining and then being sunny then cloudy then COLD then geezus.
Do you e-mail? a lot
What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Drop it multiple times...? Not with my current phone though!
Last time you were sick? Earlier this year... Can't recall if I got sick this summer or not.
How many states have you lived in? 2
Do you wish you could move? Out of my current living situation, yes.
Are you happy with your life? For the most part.