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Feb 08, 2009 19:28

Dad was facing heart bypass. denial. denial. denial. cried myself to sleep.found myself calling him just to soak up the fact that he was alive and i could. sobbed in front of my boss when I realized I just had to be with him. so not me. me= not a crier. drove to Farmington. pray.drive.pray.drive.smoke.took him out for an 80 dollar steak dinner night before. no coffee. hospital. gown= vulnerable dad. kind nurses. kiss goodbye. waiting room. surgeon consultation. artery 95 % clogged but due to the location they were able to put in stint rather than fly him to Albq. for the bypass.thankful. thankful. thankful. men are whiny. fussy. fussy. fussy. sleeping on a lovechair in the hospital room. kiss goodbye. drive back to phoenix. catch up on school work. email work. quite smoking. the end.

OH! and Boom came out to her family and they are surrounding her with complete support and are curious to meet me. Her mother wrote her this amazing letter and in it she referenced me and just said how she looks forward to getting to know me. This letter, let me tell you, is the kind of letter you frame. I'm honored to see my name in ink and to even be a part of that letter. So incredible. I bought gifts for both her mother and sister yesterday at the chocolate festival. This morning I woke myself up preparing a letter to them in my head, perfectly memorized and ableto be recited to Karen. lol. I'm so excited to be invited into their life...
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