
Jan 15, 2012 13:55

Minor updates to the 101 goal list, most notably I've lost the 20 pounds I set out to :D As well, one month until I've kept up a regular physical activity routine for 6 months.

Overall doing well. Surprise 6 day early period was annoying this week....I always want to use silly euphamisms to describe menstruation...like shark week or under construction...as well as wanting to refer to my genital region as "lady garden" because it makes me laugh. A lot. It's not that I am uncomfortable using the proper words...it just sounds so clinical to use words like "ejaculation" or "labia". I prefer speaking in a....creative...way. Yeah, creative. That works.

Personal Care/Health/General
  1. 1. Get a professional massage
  2. 2. Have a full day at a spa. Get the works, ridiculous skin treatments, facial, everything
  3. 3. Get a tattoo/scarification piece
  4. 4. Get another piercing (getting my septum re-pierced counts)
  5. 5. Complete the Couch to 5k program. Finally.
  6. 6. Go to a dentist
  7. 7. Get my wisdom teeth out
  8. 8. Keep a consistent physical activity schedule for 6 months (1 month away!!!) 
  9. 9. Lose 20 pounds. 

  10. lose 10 more pounds. 
  11. 10. Finish unpacking and organizing.
  12. 11. Get rid of futon; buy folding chairs for dining table.
  13. 12. Print photos of friends off and put up on walls
  14. 13. Make my apartment look cooler 
  15. 14. Make it 2 days without wanting to cry. I'm getting out of this depression one way or another. (Nov12th)
  16. 15. Bring a photo to a hairdresser so I get the haircut I want 
  17. 16. Buy contacts
  18. 17. Get a manicure
  19. 18. Finish decorating office

  1. 1. Pay off a third of my student debt 
  2. 2. Pay off my bed and credit card (1100$ ish)
  3. 3. Get an iphone
  4. 4. Get apartment insurance 
  5. 5. Use coupons
  6. 6. Follow a rough budget for a month
  7. 7. Buy quality, fashionable shoes (Oct 2011, rainboots and black ankle boots!)
  8. 8. Start contributing to RRSP
  9. 9. Buy a car (after paying off half my student debt)
  10. 10. Research 5 school programs
  11. 11. Apply to colleges/universities
  12. 12. Move out of this goddamn city
  13. 13. Save up 3000$ for moving/first and last (25% mark! Nov 2011)

  1. 1. Get professional sexy pictures taken of myself 
  2. 2. Have anal sex/anal play
  3. 3. Be part of a foursome 
  4. 4. Use a strap-on
  5. 5. Flirt with a stranger in person
  6. 6. Have sex with a woman without a man present
  7. 7. Go on a date with a woman 
  8. 8. Figure out what I want from sex so I can accurately describe it so that maybe, MAYBE I'll get that sex soon
  9. 9. Have sex at a swingers club/event
  10. 10. Have sex using/in a sex swing
  11. 11. Tell someone what it takes to make me orgasm
  12. 12. Try candle wax as foreplay
  13. 13. Try being hurt/hit/whipped
  14. 14. Come out to family
  15. 15. Get the fuck over Eric
  16. 16. Tell someone when what they’re doing isn’t working or me
  17. 17. Turn someone down from sex/relationship, not just avoid them forever (August 2011, could have been dealt with better)
  18. 18. Go to my family doctor for STI testing 

  1. 1. Go to a nerd convention of some sort
  2. 2. Go back to B.C
  3. 3. Go on a random hitchhiking trip with no real destination
  4. 4. Go to a nudist resort
  5. 5. Visit the east coast
  6. 6. Visit the territories
  7. 7. Stay with someone via couchsurfing
  8. 8. Go to a couchsurfing event on my own
  9. 9. Travel somewhere warm and beach-y
  10. 10. Spend a major holiday (i.e. christmas or NYE) somewhere without my immediate family, doing nothing to celebrate the holiday
  11. 11. Talk to people in a hostel I’m staying at
  12. 12. Go to a nude beach
  13. 13. Go to a nude beach with wifey 
  14. 14. Go to a nude beach alone
  15. 15. Go somewhere off of this continent
  16. 16. Wear practical shoes when at an event that requires a lot of walking
  17. 17. Go on a spur of the moment trip (Nov 5th/6th with wifey)

Self Improvement
  1. 1. Become a regular volunteer somewhere 
  2. 2. Go back to counselling to deal with anxiety and paranoia a bit more 
  3. 3. Get a full time job in my field (by November 2011 hopefully) DONE June 2011
  4. 4. Get my G2.
  5. 5. Get my G license
  6. 6. Take a french course
  7. 7. Take a sign language course
  8. 8. Get a new hobby (does sewing count? I already had a sewing machine but now I'm taking a course) 
  9. 9. Get better at being honest when I say no
  10. 10.Figure out my style and stick to it/be happy with everything in my closet
  11. Establish 3 casual, cute outfits. Something I actually like instead of something I know counts as casual.
  12. Clean out closet
  13. Donate 25% of my shoes
  14. Try something new
  15. Have a dinner party
  16. 16.Spend time with a child/children
  17. 17.Mend something (nov 2011)
  18. 18.Finish this goddamn list (cheater goal!)
  19. 19.Set up craft & office space
  20. 20. join a professional development or skill building group (OACDP or toast masters come to mind) 

FAIL/unable to complete:
  1. Wear something outlandish to the Toronto fetish fair
  2. Wear something risky to a London pride event 

Total: 85
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