because sharing is caring--

Jan 16, 2005 18:21

---> 15 ways to power up your energy and endurance:
(all of these are nothing new btw, just a good reminder that's all.)


1. Eat breakfast. This meal sets you up for the whole day.
It replenishes your body's energy supply after a nightlong fast,
providing fuel for your brain as well as your muscles. You need
that energy to stay mentally and physically alert and to enhance
learning and physical performance. It's a critical meal for adults
and children like. Without breakfast, your body is running on empty.

Tip: For a quick breakfast pick-me-up, choose oatmeal with skim milk and
a banana, whole grain toast with peanut butter or an egg and fresh fruit.

2. Don't diet. Eating too little or skipping meals are surefire ways to
rob you of energy. You need to eat enough to sustain a high energy level.

3. Make time for lunch -- even if you're busy. Shut your office door, turn
off the phone and spend a few minutes relaxing while you eat your lunch.
Your afternoon will be easier and more productive as a result. Think of it
as your personal time-out to regroup and get ready for the rest of the day.

4. Eat several small meals and/or snacks throughout the day.
This routine helps keep your blood sugar level steady (you want to avoid a
low blood sugar level, which is one of the common causes of afternoon fatigue).
Skipping meals can have a negative effect on your mood and energy, while
eating very large meals can make you sleepy. If you "forget" to eat
because you get too busy, put a sticky note on your computer or the phone.

5. Don't eat a meal just before bed. A heavy meal takes longer
to digest and, if you eat it late, you'll probably go to bed with a full
stomach. And lying down with a full stomach encourages acids and gastric
juices to flow up into the esophagus, causing uncomfortable heartburn
that will definitely make sleep more challenging.

6. Eat complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates found in whole grain
breads, cereals, lentils, legumes and starchy vegetables provide high-octane
fuel for your brain, muscles and body tissues. They're the fuel of choice
since they're digested gradually and serve as a steady energy supply for
body and brain.

Tip: For a carb-rich midmorning snack, have whole wheat crackers with low-fat
cheese; make a smoothie with fresh fruit, yogurt and milk; or spread half a
piece of pumpernickel bread with peanut butter.

8. Pay attention to the glycemic index (GI) of foods. This refers to
how quickly a particular food is absorbed and, therefore, raises your blood
sugar level. Foods with a high GI, such as white bread, white rice, mashed
potatoes and watermelon, are absorbed relatively quickly and so provide an
immediate source of energy. Foods with a low GI, such as pumpernickel bread,
brown rice, bulgur, lentils, yams, apples, pears and yogurt, are absorbed
more slowly and cause a slower, more gradual rise in blood sugar, which leads
to more consistent energy levels. These lower-GI foods take longer to digest
and can keep you feeling full longer, which may help you manage your weight.

9. Help stave off colds and flus by eating lots of fruits and vegetables.
These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that can
boost your immunity and keep you energized. In the winter months, when
fresh produce is not as readily available, buy frozen fruits and
vegetables; they are usually packed with many important nutrients.

10. Stay hydrated. You need at least two litres of fluid --
whether it's water, juice, milk, sports drinks or soups -- per day to be
properly hydrated and energized. You need even more if you exercise.
Unfortunately, you can't depend on thirst as an indicator of your fluid
needs; you could be mildly dehydrated without knowing it. You should get
in the habit of consuming fluids regularly, even if you aren't active.

11. Go easy on caffeine and alcohol. The caffeine in coffee may
give you a boost to get your day started but too much throughout the day
can overstimulate your system and cause insomnia. Alcohol can also affect
sleep patterns. And, if your sleep is disturbed, so is your energy. Keep
your caffeine intake under 450 milligrams a day (a cup of coffee has
between 120 and 180 milligrams and a cup of tea about 50 milligrams).

12. Combine foods properly for all meals or snacks. The best
combination is complex carbohydrates (bread, grains or pasta) with lean
protein (meat, fish, chicken, cheese, eggs or tofu). Carbohydrates are
easy to digest and give you fuel within a relatively short period of time.
However, if your meal is heavy in carbohydrates, such as a big plate of
pasta with tomato sauce, you may become sleepy afterward. Protein foods
take longer to digest and tend to make you feel more alert.

13. Include iron-rich foods in your diet. Iron-deficiency anemia is
one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in North America. Your body
needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of the blood that carries oxygen to
all your tissues. If your diet doesn't provide enough iron, your body uses
up its own stores. Fatigue, low energy and even problems with concentration
are all signs of an iron deficiency. The best food sources of iron are red
meats, organ meats such as liver, iron-fortified cereals, whole grain or
enriched breads, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, beans, blackstrap
molasses, nuts and seeds. However, increasing your iron intake comes with an
important caution: don't take iron supplements unless you're iron deficient
and can't correct it by changing your diet. Too much iron can cause indigestion
and constipation and can even be toxic. If you think that you have an iron
deficiency, check with your physician.

Tip: To help top up your iron stores, have liver pâté on a whole wheat cracker,
whole wheat cereal topped with strawberries, a handful of dried fruit or a
serving of beef stir-fry.

14. Exercise regularly. Getting physical is a good way to keep your
energy levels high. Exercise increases both endurance and strength,
helps you sleep better and is a great stress reliever.

15. Forget about supplements or products labelled with
the word energy. Just because a food has energy on its label
doesn't mean that eating it will make you more energetic.

[Source --]

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