No one and (almost) nothing was harmed in the making of this post.

Jan 21, 2012 04:04

Let me re-iterate the title before saying this: I am okay. My passenger friend is also fine. The van lost some paint.

I lost control of the van this evening driving back from SFO. I'd been going very slowly (<50), but several factors (namely, overworn tires, the removal of all rows of seats from the van, and 101s COMPLETE lack of rain drains) combined to make me lose control of the car. We did a 180 and tapped the median, ending up facing the wrong direction in the left lane. We ended up calling 911 to get a cop to stop traffic for the ~5 seconds it took me to turn around and take the next exit off the highway.

We were VERY lucky in that no one was around us. We were lucky the van wasn't more seriously damaged (the only damage we could ascertain were some more paint scrapes, I drove it the rest of the way home (not on the highway)).

I'd be lying if I said my life flashed before my eyes when this happened. I swear to god, the thought running through my head as we spun out was "Don't let this be the way the van goes out". Not sure what that means, exactly. But that's what happened.

EDIT: Turns out I lost my front license plate .Whoops. Also the front bumper is slightly displaced.
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