Feb 26, 2008 11:33
You haven't been home in almost 2 months, and you find out that four of your best friends are planning on coming up to visit you (while also spending some time doing random things around town), and you're so freaking excited because only one person has ever visited you at school before, and she was already there because of a college tour. But hey, she was still a loved friend from home, and visits are always more than welcome!
On the day of their visit, you have several other things that must be done throughout the day, so you, the person you're going to be doing everything with that day, and the friends decide to have dinner together.
For the past few weeks, you've been feeling a little stressed after a medical emergency that has much changed your lifestyle. You've probably even been a little hormonal because, well, your hormones seem to just be raging.
Then the day of their visit finally rolls around, and you're soooo stoked. You and your friend wake up at 5am to head over to your first task of the day, and spend from about 6am to 1130am making a product for a volunteer organization's fundraiser. Your friend discovers that he is the only officer in town that day, so he must be available to serve any emergencies that may arise. Then you head back to your friend's house to get ready for a family member's birthday, celebrating his old age. Then you go over and meet lots of people with a smile on your face, despite the fact that you're ready to fall over and sleep for ages. You finally get to eat for the first time that day around 2pm, and although the food isn't incredibly filling, it's really good, and hey, it's food. Then you go back to your friend's house to relax for a little bit before meeting up with your friends from home, so you two decide to pop in a movie that neither of you have seen before.
Near the end of the movie, your friends call to ask where you all are going to meet up for dinner. You and your friend are both extremely tired, and would really prefer to stay as close to home as possible. Your friends would prefer to eat in the town they're already in because they have more to do after dinner. You and your friend are willing to comprimise and drive halfway to the town your friends from home are in. So you decide on another town that's 10 minutes between you and your friends. But your friends decide that they don't want to drive 10 minutes to see you, whom they haven't seen in two months, and your friend, whom they haven't seen in almost three months. You're willing to drive 10 minutes to see them, and you've been up since 5am, busy working a fundraiser and running around the area. Your friends from home probably didn't leave home until about 1030 or 11am, so were able to sleep in.
So now I need your opinion. How would you and the friend you've spent the day with feel? Would you be angry, upset, annoyed pissed, or just not care? What would you do about it? Would you yell at your friends from home, get a bitchy attitude, call them back to yell at them and send them on a possible guilt trip, or would you just let it go and let them think they've gotten away with it? Let me know. I'm interested.