Apr 27, 2010 21:54

I am writing and posting this and eating the spicy Korean ricecakes I steamed up for dinner instead of studying for Social Psych and I think I am quite deserving of this break considering 1.) totally fucked up my Stats exam on a SATURDAY MORNING (DAMN YOU NUS), 2.) been studying practically non-stop for 3.) English exam and European History exam today. Actually, I've been studying practically non-stop since the mid-terms thanks to all the CA tests, debates, simulations etc etc etc, hence no updates here since my February woes over Vancouver 2010 (I AM STILL QUITE WOE OVER IT AND HOPE RUSSIA MAKES A KICKASS COMEBACK IN SOCHI) I have also gotten very adept at what Su Yin terms "weightlifting" whenever I pillage the school library for books to do research, I think I have like 19 stacked in little piles around my room now and I realise I would actually read some of them on my own leisure time, DAMMIT YEAH OKAY I'M A NERD SO SUE ME DX

So 2 more papers to go, Social Psych on Thursday morning and then Cold War in Europe next Wednesday morning, COME ON AMANDA YOU CAN FUCKING DO THIS. I am quite riled up tonight, must be the combined effects of stress and finishing 3 papers and sinfully spicy ricecakes. CAN'T WAIT FOR END OF EXAMS, CAN'T WAIT TO MEET UP WITH FRIENDS IN SINGAPORE AGAIN, CAN'T WAIT TO SEE OVERSEAS FRIENDS WHEN THEY COME BACK IN JUNE, CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT (and Vivien please remember to bring my baby back with you and make sure no harm befalls him on the journey back). I lament that I didn't post about Russian Christmas dinner and all the wonderful days out I had with my friends (Hetaliatards and non-Hetalia-but-still-kinda-tards), at least there is some testament to them on Facebook but yeah THANKS GUYS FOR ALL THE AWESOME TIMES I MISS YOU ALLLLLLL <333 Thank God for MSN and Skype and Facebook or I would have died from withdrawal symptoms, this sem was like hell on toast. Yeah okay, kinda my fault, why the hell did I take 2 history modules in the same sem for starters and why the hell do I have two level 3 modules >.>;; Stakhanovite indeed... But if there is one thing I learnt from this sem (apart from a wonderful French insult from Napoleon himself), it is GRIM DOGGED PERSEVERANCE. If I can drag my ass to school with gastric flu for 3 weeks I CAN DO (ALMOST) ANYTHINGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things to Look Forward To

Lunch with Nee-san and Rach and whoever-else-can-make-it after Cold War paper on Wednesday

L4D2 killing spree lan sessions FUCK YES

Alicia's birthday, so I can FINALLY spend a whole day out with my sis without having to pull out a whole sheaf of notes to study


Getting my Russia poster and one coin figure and my Threadless tshirts

Drawing/writing everyone's meme requests I'M SORRY I SUCK I KNOW ;A;

Writing that epic Hetalia WW2 fic I've been having plotbunnies for since forever WHO WANTS TO HELP ME PLEASE ENLIST HERE FOR DUTY KTHXBAI

Getting back on track with my Russian

Planning for June trip

... Yeah okay I should start mugging now dammit, 2 MORE PAPERS 8 MORE DAYS RAAAWRRR

hetalia, russia, zombie apocalypse, flist, university

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