I kinda resent the fact that there are so many games and movies out there that involve Russia being all YES IT IS I, COME TO INVADE YOUR SACRED LAND OF FREEDOM AND DESECRATE ALL THAT YOU HOLD DEAR, even more so because they seem to be getting a lot of good reviews. And Modern Warfare 2 has a really happening soundtrack which I am quite guiltily addicted to right now but which in no way makes me want to play a game involving shooting invading Russian forces. (Edit: OHEYYY, HANS ZIMMER DID THE MUSIC, NO WONDER INSTANT WIN.) Oh America, the Cold War was so last century, get over it! Go eat a burger and bother England or something...
So! It is New Year’s Eve and all sorts of unhappeningness going on, my life is unbearably tame sometimes aiya. But December has been a rather happening month in retrospect:
- Vivien, Debs, Clari, Ellie, Estelle and Char came back (WADDUP MAH HOMEZ)
- Went to Cirque on Ice to see strapping young European men and the Soweto Gospel Choir with Ellie (I cannot watch such happening performances with you at night man, my walls will sport unsightly dents if I keep bouncing off them when I should be sleeping)
- Watched The Princess & the Frog with Alicia, Liz, Rox and Sharyl (OH DISNEY, YOU FINALLY SAW THE LIGHT OF 2D NOW STAY THERE AS YOU ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE)
- Watched Russia Today and Coraline with Mren and Liz
- Hung out with Uncle Sasquatch
- Crab binge with Ellie, Estelle and Silk
- Made first-time-fail!Sharlotka with Debs (note to self: less apples, less eggs, more sugar, and all will be right with the world)
- Went to EOY with Jenn and met up with Debs as well as The PoT Bunch plus one Estelle (no I am not being Belarus even though you have a potential Russia for next time and JENN I EXPECT TO SEE YOU WITH A KICKASS BOOTH AT THE NEXT MAJOR CON I GO TO DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME AH)
- Drama-llama Christmas party at Kester’s place (it was awesome seeing everyone again, no Jagermeister but at least got MORE GRENADINE)
- Hung out with Liz, Sharyl, Rox and Leo for one entire noisy, crazy, scary day
- Looked at old and dead Egyptian things at the National Museum’s Egypt exhibit and then bought 75 Russian stamps from the Philatelic Museum
- Ivan’s birthday <3
Yah I think overall that is quite a happening month don’t you. I am also more excited about 7 Jan than 1 Jan because it is RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTMAS and there is much to do, much to do indeed. To prove this, here is my to-do list:
- Watch Sherlock Holmes
- Buy dried cherries, minced beef, eggs, and some herbs that taste better than parsley and go well with beef
- Meet Debs and Jayne for dinner on the 5th
- I be doing some fasting and shit on the 6th (you the real deal John Paul)
- Make pirozhki and Russian Christmas mint tea for RUSSIAN CHRISTMAS DINNER ON THE 7TH EXCITE TO THE MAX
- Bid for modules on the 8th not excite at all but what to do
- Back to school on the 11th totally unexcite to the max but also what to do
- AC Open House on the 13th finally some excite comes back
And that is about all the happeningness that is about to happen in my life for now. A few more hours to 2010, have a great New Year everyone and remember:
Lenin will show us the way.