Sep 23, 2009 23:40

Holidays lose their meaning the higher you climb up the education ladder TT_TT It’s my recess week and I had 2 social service agency visits today, an English project to work on tomorrow, 2 term papers to write, and a midterm Psych test to study for D8 Cheese and fuckin’ krauts...

On the bright side, I watched 9 with Rachel yesterday and it was SO GOOD. Okay the plot was kinda weird and not as much character development as I would’ve liked, BUT IT WAS STILL REALLY REALLY GOOD. THE ART. THE MUSIC. THE EFFECTS. ASLDKJASDLKSF <333 You can’t go wrong with Tim Burton for a producer and Timur Bekmambetov for one of the directors. And Crispin Glover’s voice is so cute, aww XD It’s films like 9 that make me wish my art was good enough for me to pursue a career in art >_> I don’t even know what I really want to do with my life apart from going to Russia and marrying Ivan. Sigh :/

Liz took me to see an art installation at 8Q the other day and I was so overwhelmed by it that it made me cry. YAH THERE IS HOPE FOR LOCAL ART AFTER ALL X< I think the installation was called “View with a Room” by a group of artists called Vertical Submarine, if I remember correctly. The giant book, the huge rusty chain, the pews, the wardrobe, the secret path, the secret room... Especially the room. I’ve never felt so much peace in such a bleak and lonely setting. It was so mind-blowingly poignant. Now half of me wants to make the whole world go see it because it is a KICKASS INSTALLATION, but the other half of me feels bitterly jealous that a space of such significant personal value to me is open to the public. And there’s also the fact that the exhibition only lasts till December this year, after which I will never be able to visit it in person again. Reality is cruel. Even though I try to console myself by resolving to get my own apartment and decorating it like that room, it just isn’t the same. It makes me feel cheated somehow. Another thing that made me feel cheated was that installation in the 8Q outdoor atrium. That huge set-up with all the fish tanks connected to each other. When I first saw it while walking to 8Q I was like EYYY OUTDOOR CHINESE SEAFOOD RESTAURRROHHhh what the hell T_T Because the tanks were filled with water from the Singapore River. And that’s it. ... Seriously, can we even call that water? The Singapore River is like a river of zombie apocalypse waiting to happen. If the world doesn’t end in several thousand years, we could probably extract fossil fuel from all the shit down there >_>

Иван! Я люблю тебя! Нет большего счастья, чем близость с тобой <3

russia, art, zombie apocalypse, movies, university

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