Just you know why...

Feb 03, 2011 22:14

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

So here I am, back from a very very long hiatus and fashionably late for New Year greetings, HOW IS EVERYONE DOING I HOPE YOU HAD A HAPPENING CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARRR~

I had a pretty happening albeit lazy Christmas at a Durarara!! marathon with friends, but New Year was not as happening because I mistook the countdown fireworks for thunder and ran about the house trying to close windows and save the laundry until I finally realised what was happening OTL;;; I am also spending my short CNY break watching ghosthunting documentaries on Youtube so… yeah…

I know most momentous occasion posts tend to be quite profound in nature, but over the years I have discovered that I have a distinct inability to be profound at appropriate moments so I’m sorry to anyone who expected a profound New Year post from me. Instead, because I know you all find my life exhilarating to read about have some details of Big Things That I’ve Been Up To Recently:

My application to go on exchange was approved by NUS so if all goes well, I will be flying to Vilnius University in Lithuania for the autumn semester in 2011 :) Right now I just have to submit all my relevant documents for NUS to forward to VU and wait for their response. At first when I was applying for NUS approval, I didn’t even tell my parents because I figured if I didn’t get in, it’d save me a lot of trouble explaining things to my parents at that point in time, but if I got in, I’d figure out what to do from there hahaha. I’ve told them both by now so naturally my mother is freaking out because she thinks Lithuania is a third-world country full of bad people waiting to drug and abduct me and sell me into prostitution the instant I set foot there (I think it’s an Asian mom thing, is this an Asian mom thing?) and my dad is indifferent as usual since I’ll be getting sponsorship and hence won’t be pestering him for a lot of money. I’ll be going alone though because the exchange programme to VU only had one vacancy, it feels so daunting but I really hope I get to go! X< Jenn is in Sweden already for her exchange programme, JENN YOU’D BETTER GET LOTS OF COOL SOUVENIRS AND TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES OF STRAPPING YOUNG EUROPEAN MEN WHILE YOU’RE THERE HNNNNGGGHHHH.

Also, Nee-san and I signed up for Russian classes at a language school in town and they are excite to the max! :D It’s a very small class, only 4 people including the 2 of us, so it’s very focused and personal, plus we have a very nice teacher called Olga, so it’s going pretty well so far. I hope I can cope though because I’m also taking scary German classes as part of my second major, but at least Russian class is just an elementary course which ends sometime in February so I will have the rest of semester to concentrate on German. Oh NUS, why couldn’t you make my life easier and offer Russian classes, it’s an important European language too TAT In any case, my German teacher is a very nice roly poly guy who grew up in East Germany so he tells us all sorts of random strange stories about weird text messages he got from a 15-year-old and trips to East German pubs back when beer was awesomely cheap in the middle of explaining verb conjugations and forming plurals.

Speaking of the upcoming semester, I am in for a whole lot of hell because I will be overloading my modules every semester from now on so please forgive me if I end up disappearing off LJ for long periods of time again T^T WHYYY, you may say, WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF? I wonder too >.>;; But if I want to fulfill my dream of having a second major in European Studies and graduate in time to fulfill requirements, I have no choice sob TAT In any case, I’m willing to work super hard for it so WATCH OUT WORLD, HERE I COME D< I shall now express my rage through a Youtube video:

image Click to view

I actually really want to try this cheese for myself but I think it’s an Egyptian brand or something so I have zero chance of finding it here in Singapore. I suppose that’ll have to be another thing to add to my List Of Exciting Things I Want To Do Before I Die: #98374 buy and eat Panda cheese. Here is a mission for my LJ friends all over the world: Go to your friendly local supermarkets and see if you can hunt down Panda cheese, then you can taste and tell me all about it! I have a feeling 90% of my life is lived vicariously through other people…

And while we’re on the subject of food, I cooked quite a lot during the last holidays to add to my repertoire of Russian Things I Can Cook, which at the moment includes beef pirozhki, blini, chicken kiev, improvised smetana (because we don’t have the real thing here, le sad), and white fish in vodka sauce. No photos to post at the moment since I was too busy slicing, dicing, hammering, chopping and cooking things to actually keep a photo log though I think my friends managed to get some shots at our last big dinner together, so I shall put some up next time when I get the photos from them. But dear god, vodka sauce is no joke, I must remember not to add so much white wine and vodka next time @.@ Next time, I shall try making borscht and beef stroganoff! :<

food, russian, video, flist, university

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