Wow! Jamie Bell got full custody of son Jack!

May 25, 2023 20:40

According to The Blast, Wood and Bell agree their son will “primarily live with (him) in Los Angeles, (Wood) shall have custody of Jack one (1) extended weekend per month from Friday, after school or 10:00 a.m.” In other words, the young boy will stay with his dad most of the time in L.A. and travel to see his mom once a month.

It looks like ERW is trying to control the narrative, so she leaked this herself to The Blast because family cases like this are sealed in California. Only she or Jamie can leak it. In this case, it was definitely ERW.

Basically she lost her custody case. It is really rare, especially in California, that a father can get full custody. Anyway ERW has put Jamie through hell since December 2020. I am glad Jamie could have Jack back in LA living with his two younger siblings.

jamie bell

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