Transcripts from ERW's Documentary

Jul 29, 2022 13:40

I watched both episodes of ERW's very scripted Documentary Phoenix Rising. Here are the transcripts of some parts of the documentary referencing her relationship with Jamie. Basically ERW admitted that Manson broke up her relationship with Jamie in 2016.

She had reached the legal age of 18. But because there is a large age gap and Manson was a rock icon who had more power, so ERW portrayed Mansion as a predator, a groomer and a manipulator. Nowadays if you question whether ERW was also responsible for the 2006 split with Jamie Bell, you will be called "victim-shaming". At one time ERW used this word to describe Jamie as well. Anyway, I feel she can't say she didn't give consent at the beginning of her sexual relationship with Mansion in the court. It is always a grey area though. Manson definitely took advantage of her lack of experience, but at that time, ERW also felt excited and participated in this relationship with Manson voluntarily. She might have "buy's regret" years later, but if she didn't communicate such unwillingness at the moment, I feel it is hard to prove her case in the court.

Episode One

Starting 4:13

Brian and I were together on and off for about four and a half years, starting mid-2006, when I was 18, till early 2011, when... I made my final escape.

Starting 22:22

Fei: ERW showed what she claimed to be her diary from 2006. It was a computer file without time stamp.

He shoves a mirror in people's faces, and points out their hypocrisy and stupidity. He and all with an amazing sense of humor. It's an ironic sense of humor so most people don't get it. Which makes it all the more ironic. It's great. I kind of try and do the same thing in my job. I like not being afraid to push the envelope and show people the dirty side of themselves. Since most people just try and ignore it. We really have the same sense of humor too. I mean, he is the only who gets why I love movie Showgirls so much. ... I think that is why we clicked. We get each other. And now that I know him I really like his music...

Back to the story, We became good friends really fast and kept having more and more in common. Almost to a scary point. Songs, movies, painters, morals (or lack there of), almost exactly the same. After a while I was sure he would think I was lying cause I loved all the same things he did. I was still with Jamie at the time. And like I said I really didn't think it would go past being friends. Jamie had a bad feeling and kept accusing me of cheating... .

Which brings us to my current situation. The guy I met at the Chateau. What's interesting about it is I had no intention of becoming romantically involved with him. At first, I wasn't even really attracted, mainly because it just seemed so improbable. The thought never crossed my mind. Even when we flirted, I thought it was just friendly. I was with someone, he was with someone, and there is a big age difference and I should probably mention he is a rock icon. Yes. Just a minor detail. I wasn't a huge fan of his music, but I liked him and what he stood for. He really understands irony and he makes being grotesque and eccentric to make people think. To say the least it has made him quite controversial.


Fei: ERW reflected on how she got involved with Manson while making this documentary.

When I met Manson, I was just really excited, and thought, you know, "Man, here's this, like, really cool artist who thinks I'm smart, and thinks I have something to say, and, you know, see something in me that nobody else does. And that felt good. I was able to have conversations with him about art and about music and about film that I wasn't able to have with people my own age, really. And, so, that definitely boosted my ego and confidence. And I remember telling my boyfriend Jamie about it, and Jamie's red flags were goin' off right away. But I think because Jamie had been overly jealous in our relationship already, when nothing was going on, I just sort of wrote off his fear and anxiety. And I made the mistake of telling Brian that we were a bit on shaky ground. When I sought advice from him, I didn't know that he could possibly be purposely trying to break us up.


Fei: For a period of time in 2016, ERW visited Manson in his residence a lot because they planned to make a movie. That movie didn't happen. This is where ERW claimed things between her and Manson crossed the friend zone.

I had a boyfriend, He knew I had a boyfriend. He was marries. I'm 18. ... I think I was scared and excited at the same time because ... It was like getting kissed by a god. You're supposed to like this. This guy can have whoever he wants and he's chosen you. You're special now. And if I said no, then I was really scared we weren't gonna be friends anymore. So, I let things go further than I wish I had. We did not sleep together that night, but things definitely escalated on the roof. It ended up with him on top of me. And then, it was over, and I felt really weird, and very icky, and, like, I wasn't even really attracted to him. That was also the first time a man had ever kissed me. You know? Aside from what I had done on camera. Uh... like in my real life, I had only dated teenage boys, uh, before that.

Episode Two


While I was in the middle of filming "The Ides of March," [in 2022] Jamie and I started speaking again, and realized that our relationship was still very unfinished. Jamie was one of my deepest first loves. We met at the Sundance Film Festival when we were teenagers. We had very similar lives. We were both child actors, and we fell in love instantly. It was that young, raw, everything is life or death sort of love. And we had been together for almost two years when Brian came into the picture and split us up.

So, after "The Ides of March" was finished, I quite literally ran, uh, back into Jamie's arms. I had only been out of the abusive situation for two months, maybe, um, before we got back together. And I did not know just how much work I had to do. I thought, "I had gotten out. I had got the love of my life back." He looked at me and said, "Oh my god, it's you. I can see you again." Like, "You're com-- You're back." and I said, "I know. I feel like I am, and everything's gonna be okay, right?"

But then, the PTSD started to kick in. My night terrors were really bad. I had a lot of chronic pain. I would lie about things that I didn't need to lie about. And I didn't know why. So, I went and got help. I put my self in therapy three times a week. I don't know if I would have dove into self-help that deeply had I not been trying so desperately to keep our relationship together.

Jamie and I loved each other so much. I couldn't fathom a life that didn't involve him. We were together for a couple of years, and we decided to have a wedding ceremony. Even though we were never legally married, we felt like our relationship deserved that moment. We had been through so much and we really fought hard to try to keep our relationship together. We were in couple's therapy. I was going to therapy, and I started to get better, and I started to, you know, develop new patterns. We had the most beautiful baby.

But honestly, I think at that point, so much had happened that it was kind of too late. I think our trust just got so damaged. Any time I tried to talk about the abuse, I definitely felt like I was getting victim-blamed. I wish that he had all of the information. It just wasn't safe to go there.

Fei: Here is the thing. If she didn't tell Jamie what exactly happened, how could she expect Jamie to understand her. Calling Jamie "victim-shaming" is not fair.


Fei: This is the end of episode two. After ERW finally named Marilyn Manson as her abuser on social media, she woke up her son and they had the following conversation.

Evan: I know things may have been a little scary for you recently and you might have some worries in your heart.
Jack: Mm-hm.
Evan: But you know what?
Jack: What?
Evan: You don't have to worry about that anymore.
Jack: Why?
Evan: Because the good guys are gonna win.

Fei: This is the climax of the documentary, this is also the part I felt very scripted and well-acted. I also feel this part, in a way, confirmed the story that Jamie told in his court papers that ERW intentionally filled her son with terrifying information about Brian (Manson's real name). I can understand her struggle, but was it necessary to drag a young child into this?

I will add screen captures later and there are more court documents from the custody case. More to come.

jamie bell

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