Logan Lucky Review

Aug 18, 2017 15:36

About two weeks ago, there was an article on Entertainment Weekly which analyzed Channing's career, the author wrote:

There’s an expectation today that to secure a slot on the A list, actors must stake their claim in a cinematic universe like Marvel or Star Wars. (According to their agents, both would be ideal.) But in an era of Hollywood when superhero capes and masks are the currency of the global leading man, Channing Tatum donned a thong. ... While the rest of Hollywood uses franchises as big-budget day jobs - relegating indie films and Oscar bait to nights and weekends - Tatum remains a free agent.

Tatum has spent the past two years working with some of the most admired filmmakers in the business. After emerging from under the floorboards of Minnie’s Haberdashery in Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight, Tatum made a good case for himself as the heir to Gene Kelly in the Coen brothers’ Hail, Caesar! Now, in addition to Logan Lucky this month, he’s got the debut of Comrade Detective, a Romanian ’80s police-procedural spoof that he executive-produced for Amazon, on which he dubs the English-translation voice for the hero cop.

“When you start worrying about what the outcome is more than what you’re making, it’s really tough to make something that is pure,” Tatum says. “At the end of my life, when I have to look at my daughter in the face and go, ‘Daddy took time out of our lives, out of our relationship, to go do something,’ it better be worth it. It better not just be for money.”

Anyway, I hope he keeps picking up roles which he considers worth the time away from his family.

Now my Logan Lucky review. I went to the first showing at my local theater at 7:15pm last night. It was shown in a small theatre, but the theatre was almost full by the time the movie began. The beginning of the movie is slow-paced (some people sitting besides me thought the same), but towards the middle it sped up and in the end all the loose ends were tightened. I feel it is more a heist movie with comedic moments than a comedy. I like the characters. The brotherly love between the Logan brothers and the father-daughter relationship between Jimmy and Sadie are very endearing. Channing gave a pretty good performance in Logan Lucky. Those who said Channing Tatum can only play Channing Tatum should shut up. Jimmy Logan is obviously not Magic Mike or Jenko (Jump Street movies) or Burt Gurney (Hail, Caesar!). Also I quite enjoy watching Riley Keough. She's such a beauty and I kinda of want to see her playing a Bond girl. I ship her character with Joe Bang played by Daniel Craig. I also wonder if Craig can get some nomination during this year's awards season.

The critics obviously love Logan Lucky (93% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes), but its box office earning is hard to predict. It is tracking for 8-12M this weekend. I hope it will do at least 10M. This time Soderbergh decided to ditch the studios and release this movie by himself, I really wish him luck. I hope Channing's unconventional road-trip promotion (video 1, 2, 3, 4) works. I feel the road trips are not enough to bring people to the theatres to see this movie, but good for Channing's personal brand. I'll wait and see its box office number.

For now, Channing is already in Europe promoting the movie. He's in Amsterdam today, then he'll head to London. So more interviews are coming.

RTL Late Night

BBC Radio 1 airing on Aug. 23.

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review, channing tatum, logan lucky, video

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