The Great Firewall Blocked Access to

Mar 30, 2014 03:37

I just wanted to check my cellphone usage overseas, but the Great Firewall blocked access to Seriously? And I also don't have access to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and more.

Anyway I went to see Snowpiercer this morning. It's a low budget B movie. I don't think the director did a good editing job, the movie can be condensed without sacrificing character development, such as shortening some dragged action sequences. In fact, I don't think there is sufficient character development in this movie, especially Chris Evans' lead character. But he did one emotional scene well. In general, the acting is decent, but the actors can only do so much with a laughable script which has way too many plot holes.

Jamie Bell's Edgar is a bit like Griffin from Jumper, who talks fast and plays second fiddle to the lead character. If you are a Jamie Bell fan, you probably won't like that his character [Spoiler (click to open)]being killed off half way through the movie. And my friend told me there were a few slash Snowpiercer fanfictions written after the movie was released in China two weeks ago. But I feel I won't like the pairing between Curtis (played by Chris Evans) and Edgar. Marcus and Esca are much better. We gotta thank to the writer of The Eagle who created such a satisfying relationship between Marcus and Esca.

Last week Channing was back to news a lot. Jupiter Ascending got a second trailer which showcases the splendid visuals. It gotta be a very good-looking film. Also it was reported that Foxcatcher would premiere at Cannes. And Magic Mike 2 got a director and an impressive title - Magic Mike XXL. lol!

ctmovies, snowpiercer, personal thoughts

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