On Wednesday, Canada's CBC aired an interview with Jeremy Irons, in which he sang Eric Clapton's WONDERFUL TONIGHT. I posted the video on Tumblr, and got this comment.
"...sings like an actor, but melts my heart. that smirk on 0:30 <3"
During the interview, Irons also admitted playing music helped him to attract girls. He said he didn't even need to chat up a girl, because when he played, they would sit around him. I think that's why good musicians usually get more female attentions. See, one doesn't need to claim this to a magazine on how to please women.
Also this pleased me as well. I recently got a parking ticket. It is not something you feel good about it. So when I read this, I can't help smiling.
I was walking down the street when I noticed a meter maid waiting for one meter to expire so she could write a ticket. I felt the weight of a few quarters in my pocket and knew what needed to be done. I changed someone's life for the better that day. I caught an earful from the meter maid, but I know my choice was righteous.
This guy is Channing Tatum. He and some other guys were asked by People Magazine to share a story of the nicest things they've done recently. This is Channing's answer. Where was my Channing on Oct. 21?
Finally, I found this video quite amusing. In early September, Channing was in UK promoting White House Down. He and Jamie Foxx went to Alan Carr Chat Man show. Carr was a big fan of Channing, he even steamed up his glasses during the show. It was so funny. Six or Seven weeks later, Channing's mate Joseph Gordon-Levitt was on Alan Carr show to promote Don Jon. And Carr had to ask about Channing. Watch this (starting from 11'14")! Alan claimed he had a connection with Channing on the show, and also asked Joe to send his love to Channing.