Oh speaking of prejudice

Jan 23, 2013 19:15

I came cross this so called MOVIE review. The reviewer started by saying "Let me say this: I am NOT a Channing Tatum fan. He was born in Alabama (lived there-yuck), raised in Mississippi (eww), and I have never enjoyed any of the Step Up movies that have been out there and repeated a thousand times over."

So this person doesn't like Channing mostly because he was born in Alabama and raised in Mississippi? I don’t think this have anything to do with the movie “Side Effects” this person is reviewing. It reminds me of this interview in which Channing said some people didn't try to review the movies he did, they just wanted to hate on him for doing movies.


About two years ago, I drove from Texas to Florida. I am aware that Alabama and Mississippi are two relatively poor states. You can tell by their roads. But that should not be the reason to put people down because they are from poor states. Some people can be really idiotic and I didn't bother to finish reading that review.

channing tatum, personal thoughts

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