A Cautionary Tale - Camelot Ep. 4

Apr 16, 2011 15:17

Where to begin? Many things happen in this episode, some are ugly, some are cruel. It makes you think why did Merlin do things like these? Is Arthur worth it at all? Who do they fight for? People of Camelot? Or is everthing just driven by these individuals' personal ambitions and desires?

This episode is about the cost of using magic. Merlin is someone who has expereinced it all, and the histroy repeats itself in Morgan. We see the consequence Morgan has to take, therefore we come to understand why Merlin is refrained from using it. However, magic draws people in, finally we see how damaged Merlin is. I still I don't see why did Merlin kill the bladesmith and his daughter. He said they are accidents, but... I feel the irony when Merlin tells the story of Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake. Sometimes lies are more comforting than the truth. It makes me think how many of these tales / legends are created like that. Maybe this is the point the writers want to make. They will give us a very different interpretation of the Arthurian Legend.

I can see some viewers won't like characters like Merlin and Arthur after ep. 4. But I always find morally-ambiguous characters more interesting to watch than characters like Leontes. In my opinion, "GOOD" characters don't always make good stories. I don't need to like certain characters, but I need to understand their point of view. At this moment, I really don't understand why did Merlin choose Arthur.

The only character I like in this espisode is perhaps Gawain. He is a charismatic character, but not because he has good hair. I am looking forward to his interaction with Kay.

And after watching this episode, I have questions about Morgan's new ability of taking shapes of other people's bodies. What else can she do?

camelot, review

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