Inquiry: Merlin S3 DVD Vol. 2 Box Art

Jan 28, 2011 15:47

Just curious, has anyone posted photos of box art of Merlin S3 DVD Vol. 2 (inside and outside)?

I visited alex-san's blog. She got the complete set and posted these picture.

When you spread the package out, you see Arthur and his kngihts. I think it's a new photo. A bit different from the one available on BBC Merlin Official site.

Then there is this knight holding a sword, but we cannot see his face. I don't think it's Arthur, judging from the tunic he wore. It looks like Lancelot to me. This is totally wrong ;p

Also since the complete set only has five discs, so one of the main cast didn't make it. Unfortunately, it's Anthony. What a shame!

Arthur disc looks new to me. I always love Arthur with such a look.

So, would anyone like the share photos of box art of Merlin S3 DVD Vol. 2? Or has anyone posted them already?

inquiry, merchandise, merlin 3

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