yet another leon (+ rabin) ficlet dump! pls feel free to prompt me (just keep in mind that i can't really angst. i'm sorry, i just can't it is like, physically impossible for me to angst because bABIES ;____;) (i could totally write babies tho) (((somebody prompt babies)))
i am avoiding working on other things maybe probably yes )
Comments 24
also more ust!leon
also babies
and and and
6. fluff: "i have a weak heart," hakyeon reminds him, grinning, hands drifting to settle on taekwoon's waist. "so please handle with care."
thank you for this I really needed this today
I love that you can't write angst ok I love fluff everyone should have more fluff!!
and needless to say I really like all your mini ficlets they bring me joy and warm fuzzy feelings
you are very welcome and thank you for indulging me ;___;!!
please don't ever change. because hakyeon is a demanding eomoni and leo, well taekwoon's never been one to go back on his word.
the rabean. me ded.
okei i forgot again, who to join writevixx as a writer?
ummm i think you have to contact the main admin?? her tumblr should be linked on our page!
Tbh, at first i didn't really care on who to ship in VIXX but after marathon watching MyDol, MtV diary and Plan V diary, i can't help but notice that even the group members call LeoN as umma and appa!
Hope you'll write a chaptered LeoN fic. (^_______^)v
sobs maybe one day idk i don't really have the attention span necessary to write long plotty fic ;_____;
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