"Snip some shit"

Sep 05, 2005 11:15

Labor Day is meaningless to the unemployed, but I'm enjoying the hell out of it already. A Wendy's Big Bacon Classic or three would make this day complete.

Today's day #4 without a cigarette... I'm kicking em for good. If I'm cranky, know you were forewarned. This is not to say I'm done with all tobacco. I acquired a 4 foot hookah with 6 hoses on it for free last month (LONG story), and I intend to continue smoking the flavoured shisha I bought for it. Soon I'll buy only tobacco-free shisha, but for now I'm contend with the cancerous stuff, considering I only smoke it every few days and only with a friend or five.

I have upstairs neighbors again, which sucks. I wonder how loud I can play my music and not piss them off.

...This amp goes to eleven.
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