(no subject)

Oct 04, 2004 21:36

life really doesnt like you to have things go your way does it? damn man. i need to stop caring about stupid things like love. even though some people believe that it keeps you alive to some degree. the fact is that it isnt going to happen for me. thats it. it's done. thats all. nothing will go the way that i want it to because that just what life decided it wanted for me. religion is kind of out of the picture anymore. it really is. i used to picture hell as this dark place where everyone is miserable at some point or at all points. but you know what. i had this convorsation with my mom over the weekend and everything in this world is evidence that we are already IN hell. i still want to believe in something strong enough to the point where that is what i preach but it doesnt look like anything interests me enough for that. i would like to try what it seems i was born for. just to try it and see if it's for me. which i dont know. i was born on friday the 13th in salem massachusetts on a full moon. you do the math. what do you think i was born for...well what does it seem i was born for. lol. anyways. im done with this for tonight. i think im finally over kenny. all i needed was the final "no" and it did help. he told me that we were 100% over. no chance for us to get back together. lol. im ok though. that was all i asked for in the first place. so w/e

much love to those who care enough to read this stupid journal anymore.
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