NAME: Kimmie.
AGE: 20
PRONOUN OF CHOICE: Pronouns of the female variety
EMAIL ADDRESS: shadowofaslytherin@yahoo.com
AIM SCREENNAME & MAIN PERSONAL LJ ACCOUNT: modernaurora & lostandawaiting
OTHER CHARACTERS: Ange, Spock, Bleeker, Remus, and Decs
NAME: Winifred "Fred" Burkle
AGE: 17
GENDER: Female
Fred Burkle was born to the average, run of the mill Texan family. She wasn't a mutant and neither were her parents. There wasn't much special to this farm life. Her childhood was loving, her parents were normal, she grew up in your average typical home.
Only difference was this girl was a genius. Even at the age of twelve she comprehended mathematical equations and physics way beyond her years. That and her knack for being somewhat of a rebel led her to studying other dimensions and portals. Sure, it was something completely out there, but Fred dove into it. She relished any opportunity to learn more about it. By the time she was fifteen, she had written several papers on her theories. Though they were just that.
However, on her sixteenth birthday, her average, normal, complete and wholesome life came to a earth shattering close. It seemed that a Los Angeles based law firm, Wolfram and Hart, had been keeping track of Winifred's work. They'd studied her theories and what she was doing. They took it upon themselves to "hire" this sixteen year old.
Only by hire what they meant was take her by force from her home and make her work for them. She was ripped away from everything she knew, made to slave for some company. They threatened that if she didn't do as they said, they would kill her family. She didn't know that they had murdered them the day they took her. But she had to keep working on whatever new project they assigned her.
She worked in a state of the art lab, mainly opening up portals to other worlds - horrible, frightening worlds. Most of them had to do with some sort of spell, but others actually involved using physics to bend space. It wasn't so hard to do, not with the equipment they had. But the things she saw, frightened her. It was then she learned about demons.
Month after month went by. Fred lost hope and the time. It was just the same thing day after day. When she wasn't in the lab, she was in her room. It was more like a cell. Demonic things escorted her back and forth from the lab to her 6x6 cell. It was dark, but she had a bed. On it laid three things she had from her old life, her old teddybear - Feigenbaum, a locket her mother gave her, and a birthday card from her party. Everything else was supplied by Wolfram and Hart. Not that they gave her much, although she got all the books she wanted. That was one way of escaping.
And then she heard rumors of the firm working with mutants. It seems they would stop at nothing at trying to combine mutant abilities with demons, even if mutations were something humans experienced. Fred didn't think anything of it though, since she worked with portals - demon portals.
But finally, they came to her with some new genetic theories. Not like she had a choice. But by now, she had stopped fighting it. She started working in the lab, doing experiments on mostly lab rats with certain genes. They wanted her to work faster. Fred was forced to work longer and longer hours. Still, it seemed they were getting somewhere.
It wasn't until one day, they had her working with molecular compounds and genetics, that things went bad. If she wasn't so sleep deprived, maybe she would have realized not to use that bottle of not so organic acid mixed with human proteins.
This caused a rather large explosion. Unfortunately, Fred has very little memory of it. All she remembers is waking up. Other scientists were around her, but she was too drugged to care. She layed motionless on the table for a few hours, until she learned about what had happened.
In the explosion, she had come into contact with this substance and was now absorbing and emitting kenetic energy. It was uncontrolable and off the charts. However it did explain why her skin had a blue tint to it. Unbeknownst to her though, this is not her - these are not her powers. During the explosion, Wolfram and Hart released a demonic entity, using Fred as the lab rat, to see if one could incorporate human genetics to demons.
And this was the true reason they were expiramenting on her, though she thought it was merely because she was now a mutant. She doesn't know about most of the expiraments, though waking up with a scar on her side finally proved what she feared. She had to do something, despite all the drugs she was on.
It was the next day Fred first tried using her powers, however the drugs were far too stronger and the most she could do was emit little blue pulses that didn't do anything. Although she kept at it. Several days later, she managed to blast a hole big enough to escape out of the room. The lower levels of Wolfram and Hart were already in a panic due to a break in. It was there that a rogue man came to her rescue. Still weak from the drugs, Charles Gunn helped to get Winifred out of there.
Again, this is where there are chunks of her memory just gone. Perhaps it was the exhaustion or the relief of just getting out of there, but all Fred remembers is seeing Charles and then suddenly being in a truck, getting the hell out of there.
They had contacted Xavier considering their sudden need for assylum and Fred's past. And so they made their way from LA to New York.
Fred is pretty docile and has a heart of gold. She cares far too much, but is very practical, being a scientist and all. She tries her hardest at everything she does and does not give up. She also sees the good in everyone and believes that everyone can change for the better.
But do not let that fool you; she is a particularly strong person. She does not waver, and though tiny she can certainly kick ass if need be.
She is really into science - physics being her speciality. Highly logical, she needs things to fit in a certain way. If things change in her ideals, it means reevaluating her life and given her dramatic past, that won't end well. She does understand the need to grow though.
Winifred is also undeniably loyal to her friends. When she has them, they are like a family to her and she would do anything for them, including fight til the death. Love isn't a word she just throws around. She really means it.
She is easily excited and loves to smile. She likes feeling wanted and her need to make people happy may be from a lack of love. She gives away what little she doesn't have. But Fred doesn't let most people see that. She is altruistic in its purist sense.
Fred is a tiny bundle of power. She is short and skinny with somewhat frazzled brunette hair. She could be passed off for ordinary if she wasn't so cute. Because when she smiles, no one can say no to her. Winifred is entirely a bookworm as well and when she wears her glasses, she looks the part.
Her powers come from the demon within. The more she uses them, the more the demon can be released. The demon absorbs and emits energy in the form of blue waves, or power blasts. Fred has barely any control of it as she has just "gained" these powers.
ANYTHING ELSE?: She doesn't know about the demon at all. She thinks her powers are purely from the lab accident.