Bi-polar girl missing from North Side
A 15-year-old bi-polar girl visiting from Janesville, Wis., disappeared from her grandmother's Rogers Park home Tuesday and has not been seen since, police said today.
Jade Howell is not compliant in taking her medication, according to a police alert.
She left her grandmother's house in the 1300 block of West Columbia Avenue and has not returned. She previously lived in Chicago and frequented the area of 69th Street and South Ashland Avenue, police said.
She is white/Hispanic, 4-feet-11, 92 pounds with brown eyes and black hair. She has a scar on her left forearm.
She was last seen wearing a black hoodie, with a blue design, light blue jeans and blue gym shoes.,0,4161561.story This is my cousin's daughter. If you or anyone you know lives or works in the Rogers Park or Englewood areas, please forward on and look out for this girl.