Sep 02, 2007 23:23
Ah... I got sick. I've been having intermittent fever since Friday night, my throat hurts like somebody scrubbed it liberally with steel wool, my head feels like a three year old with a broken toy drum is banging inside it, and my nose is as runny as a faucet with a broken stopper.
So yes, I'm a mess.
I managed to drag myself out of bed this morning for the Sunday mass. Mom forbid me to take a bath but I wouldn't hear of it, so took a short (cold!) one, and wouldn't you know it? Fever came back with a vengeance in the afternoon with my mother ranting about how I was stupid enough not to listen to her and me now being an R.N. and all should have known better. *sigh* Being told, "I told you so" especially when you already feel so down is never really something good, ne?