UPDATE: Just a Cyworld Entry Away

Dec 10, 2010 22:16

Hello, my dear Just a Cyworld Entry Away readers!
(if there are still any left xD.)

I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates for Just a Cyworld Entry Away. D: 
I've been writing and re-writing the 10th chapter for the past god knows how long, but each time I try, I feel like the writing has decreased in quality. :( I also feel like the style of my writing isn't as funny or light-hearted anymore. :( 
Because of all these reasons, it has become so hard for me to write the "perfect" ending to the series. 
However, I really really do want to finish JaCEA, so I think I'm going to rewrite parts of the story. 
I hope that's okay with everybody. I am terribly sorry for all the trouble and wait. 
I am truly eternally grateful for everyone who has stuck through with my story. :)!

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