Just a dream

May 19, 2006 16:26

Ok, so I just had an afternoon nap from around 11:30 till FOUR PM!! (*glares at Amanda!* Anyways, hoping your plane trip right now is going well) and had a particularly crazy dream. I could definitely have sworn it was real had I not gotten woken up by housekeeping asking when they should clean my room today. Let's hope that not too much time has passed already for me to be able to remember this one in detail....

I don't remember how it began; what I remember fades in as I'm driving down McCarthy road. (Which contained details and landmarks from Alta Vista and Kirkwood, but it ultimately ran from Heron down to Walkey. Yes, I know this isn't the actual path of McCarthy, but these are the details as I remember them. I don't know how, but dreams fuck things up this way. And I remember all this very vividly. For you TO folks, these are all streets in Ottawa. Ok, enough about that first detail...) So I'm driving down "McCarthy Road" and I'm driving fairly fast. Not recklessly, but I'm in a rush, so I'm accelerating through yellow lights, passing slower cars, etc... I come to the intersection at Walkley, and I'm lined up to turn right, and the car in front of me, also lined up, has just rear-ended the car in front of them. And who should be in that car (a sparkly pink Beetle) than Jenny and Melissa (singers from Humber) who are just getting out to inspect the damage. I talk to them for a little, but then get back in my car, and just catch the light to turn right.

This is where it gets weird, and yet not unrealistic. As I turn the corner there's some older guy sitting in a lawn chair on the grass on the median to my left, and I ignore him and just start speeding up because I'm still in a rush for some reason. However, he some how is able to catch up to me, running on his feet, and pull me over. He starts a very casual conversation about how I'm not suppose to turn right there between 12:00 and 5:00 (it's 12:30) and that there's a sign posting such. He also lets me know that I immediately sped out of the intersection and hit 70 by the time he pulled me over, as he proceeds to show me on his radar gun. Again, a very casual conversation, and he is wearing khaki shorts, sandals and a button up short-sleeve - definitely old-man-on-lawn-chair garb, not looking like a cop or anything. He also, during this conversation talks about things like music, the weather, how's he's "not a cop or anything", (reminiscent of the "i'm not a fag or anything" incident... anybody? totally looked like that same guy, come to think of it...) and how (this part sticks with me) just down the street (he points) there is an apartment complex in development and he wants to save enough money to move in and etc... All this seems very dreary and I just want to get on my way, but then he gets me out of my car and cuffs me and impounds my car (somehow instantaneously) and tells me that I'm being arrested and have to GO TO PRISON!!!

The police station is held in some really really shitty office building somewhere on Walkley road, among many other offices but on the top floor, and he talks to the two real police officers there while I'm just sitting in the waiting room, and I see they give him a wad of cash and then he leaves, winking at me. The cops walk over to me and tell me that I am to be imprisoned in the cell for six hours, which isn't a long time, but I put up a bit of a verbal fight. I mean, what the fuck! That guy's not even a cop! He just sits in a lawn chair at intersections with a radar gun and arbitrarily fucks random people over (cause there were definitely other cars going through that intersection during the posted times, as he had TOLD me,) in exchange for wads of cash from the police. "That's right," the cops tell me, "it's because he wants to live in that new apartment complex on Walkley." Fuck!! So I get locked inside this cell, which really isn't so bad cause there's a couch and everything, but whatever...

At one point when I'm in my cell three younger teenagers get thrown in because they were caught smoking pot somewhere, and look pissed off and pleased with themselves all at the same time, and shortly after that another group of four teenagers get thrown in for grafitti or something, and the two groups start to fight while they're in the cell, like a gang war or something. I remember the tension leading up to the fight... starting with the glaring, and whispering and then yelling insults, and then peaking at flicking coins at eachother. Then the two groups notice me in the corner when I make some smart-alecky comment (don't remember what) and start to flick coins at me instead but fortunately the cops come and stop them. Apparently the two cops really don't mind me that much. Shortly after that they just let me out, but fail to tell me anything about getting my car (i.e. my mom's car) back.

While going back down the stairs in this office building I happen to run in to somebody (forget who) who is having a party in their apartment. I go and check out the party and lots of people from both Ottawa and Toronto who don't know eachother are there. And then at one point the fucking jackass in the lawn chair comes in and starts making jokes about how he pulled me over and everything when there was no need to, and basically just bragging about his stupid achievement. Then he starts being all chummy with me, and I go "Look man, you seem nice and everything, but what you did was real low. I do not like you, go away." and so he makes another little joke and then takes off. At this point Michelle and I decide to leave the party and just go swimming at her house, with somebody else who again I don't remember, and is probably not relevent.

While swimming with Michelle, (just friends, honest!) my cell phone rings in my swimming shorts pocket, and so I answer it and it's Siobhan (my roomie in TO/best friend) who tells me that her work shift ended early and she needs picking up early, (other details in that conversation I don't care to write about,) and so, in no time flat, before I even get off the phone with her, Michelle and I are speeding away in her red convertible, (sweet, eh Miche?) to go pick her up. We do so and are driving along Bank St. listening to music and having a good time, when at a stop light some old Asian guy comes and is handing out to everybody full-size paper pamphlets with other pages stapled to them and I flash a look at one of them and it appears to be something about the new apartment complex requiring the building of new water pipes that will affect something something something, and I don't really care so I shake my head and say no thanks. Then he stops and looks at me in the eyes and says, all serious, "Don't you realize the civic responsibility you have for living in this fine city?" and as I'm thinking of an excuse to throw him off my phone rings again and I figure that just answering it will be enough to get him away.

The phone was ringing for real this time, and I wake up out of my dream to the housekeeping guy. I then decided not to go back to sleep, because it seemed like a pretty long nap anyway. And so, that was my dream, as well as I can remember. Other details are fading into memory now and then, but that's the bulk of it.

Best dream post ever. Now I'm gonna go to the gym and try not to think about something rather sad.


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