Oh, the pain...
Decided to go to rugby practice today, even though I have soooo much to do with exams this week and getting ready to go to San Diego for spring break, mainly because it was such a gorgeous day and I had to be outside in it. That turned out to be quite a bad idea. Some moron rookie tackled me from behind during some drill and then landed on my awkwardly, completely dislocating my right shoulder. This becomes even more of a dilemma since I have an all essay mid-terms tomorrow, after I get done at work!
So, since there isn't much else I can do right now, I decided to finally join everyone else in the journal world and fill out one of those damn surveys. I stole this one from
Uno since it seemed to be one of the few that aren't very gender biased in the line of questioning.
Name 3 habits you have:
1) waiting till 5 minutes before im supposed to be somewhere to leave
2) brushing my teeth as soon as i get up and the last thing before bed
3) spending more time playing games than doing work
Name four scents you love:
1) Nautica Latitude Longitude
2) Grape Juice
3) CK Obsession
4) Honey Baked Ham ..... mmmmmmm ........ hammmmmmmmm *gahhgghgleel*
Name something you'd never wear:
pink panties with a matching bra
Name 3 animals you like:
1) dogs
2) ferrets
3) anything else non-arachnid
Name four television shows you love:
1) Family Guy (cancelled, boooo)
2) 24
3) The Sopranos (prior to season 4)
Name 2 bands/genres most people don't know you like:
1) Guns N Roses ... maybe one day they'll do that damn tour!
2) Really old classical, like Beethoven and Bach
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
1) Water from the Brita filter...so pure tasting! (at least 10 glasses a day)
2) A Mountain Dew once a day, if I've been good
3) Almost anything from Smoothie King, best.stuff.ever.
Name a random fact about yourself:
I regret moving from the beach every day of my life.
Name a random fact about your family:
My parents absolutely kick ass, I couldn't have asked for better!
Have you ever...
1)Fallen for your Best Friend?
Yep, lasted a while, realized it wasn't gonna get anywhere.
2)Made out with JUST a friend?
Nice gentlemen don't kiss and tell.
3)Been rejected or heartbroken?
Piss on that, worst feeling in the world!
4)Been in love?
5)Been in lust?
Briefly, it fades when you realize it's not that big of a deal.
6)Used someone?
Probably, but don't we all?
7)Been used?
Hah, quite frequently it seems.
8)Cheated on someone?
Never even thought about it.
9)Been cheated on?
Three times in a row, damn sorority girls!
10)Done something you regret?
Yeh, shoulda thunk that one threw a little more...
Who was the last person..
11)You touched?
Heather, just tucked her into bed a little while ago.
12)You talked to?
Same, told her goodnight.
13)You hugged?
Hi, I'm redundant.
14)You instant messaged?
Chuck, told him about the idiot at practice.
15)You yelled at?
Some guy on the team for making a stupid forward pass AGAIN.
16)You laughed with?
Robbie and Chris, on the way back from our game against Western.
17)You had a crush on?
Had? Britney is all time #1!
18)Who broke your heart?
Tough one to say, Heather I guess, but not so much as heartbroken, more like extremely disappointed/upset.
Do you:
19)Color your hair?
Not since 8th grade, I was a blondie way before Eminem.
20)Have tattoos?
Yeh right, let me introduce you to Mr. Wrinkle!
Used to in my tongue, took it out after three years.
22)Own a web cam?
Yep, but it's been long outa commission, ever since a very odd experience.
23)Have aol?
Got it right after WOW! went outa business back in '95, used it for a month, haven't touched it since.
24)What should you be doing right now?
Studying for my Political Philosophy mid-term tomorrow.
25)What are you listening to?
Theory of a Deadman - Make Up Your Mind
27)Chicken or fish?
Too easy, fish makes me nauseus, chicken is a staple.
28)Do you have a favourite animal?
Yes, its a mix between a gorilla and a shark that eXy made.
29)Is ice cream the best thing in the world?
Nope, TCBY's frozen yogurt totally owns it.
1. What would your dream date be?
Hot air balloon ride over some old Italian town, followed by dinner at sunset in some field with lots of big rocks.
2. Single flower or a dozen?
I've always thought more is better.
3. Silver, gold or platinum?
Gold is ugly, and silver is just cheap platinum, gotta spend the bucks guys! :)
4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home?
At home definitely, I got the coolest candles.
6. Silly or serious romance?
I prefer silly, but serious is ok now and then too.
7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White?
Marvin Gaye, never really liked Barry's songs much.
8. Do you consider yourself:
Romantic? On occassion I'm damn good at it!
Snotty? Anything but.
Quiet? Yeh, when I'm asleep.
Boring? Are you kidding?
Funny? I sure hope so, otherwise I'm the only one laughing at my jokes...
Have you ever...
Dissected something? Thankfully I've never had to.
Kissed someone? Yeh, I think I covered that back in elementary school.
Missed someone? Not really, I don't tend to get attached to people in that way.
Told someone you love them? Life would suck without it.
Talked to someone you have a crush on? Yeh, that tends to be the easiest way to tell them.
What CD is in your CD player right now? John Mayer- Room for Squares
Q. Favourite song? Extremely tough one, but I've always thought Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" was amazingly beautiful.
Q. What is your shoe size? 10, but I'm only 5'10".
Q. What will you be when you grow up? A CIA operative, assuming that I'm not already grown up, which being the case, a student.
Q. What are you doing right now? Typing.
Q. What's that smell? That stupid dog food I have to hide in the bathroom so they don't tear into it while we aren't watching.