I liked this episode mostly because it wasn't overly Meredith/Derek and I thought it was good.
First off Derek's sister is awesome and oh her name is Nancy and Mark called her Nancypants!! Which is hilarious because I have a friend who will only call me Nancypants and it brought me back art class so fast. Actually joking but Nancypants!!! EEE! Also the whole "sleeping with Mark is like a rite of passage," was hilarious and I so called them sleeping together. Apparently it's Mark's nature but still it would kill me if McDreamy were to find out he's slept with most/all of his sisters.
I like that both Mark and Addison acknowledge they miss her because they miss how things were before McDreamy came to Seattle and I wish we could see what they were all like as friends rather then watching Addison and Mark be hated by McDreamy. I actually wish the show was about them working in New York rather than watching it about Seattle Grace and a certain very whiny intern. Or if they at least tried to work the marriage out with Mark being there because I don't see how McDreamy/Meredith will work this early in the show. I mean unless they've decided they're going to eventually break them up and get them back together which is stupid because I don't want to watch the damn mating dance for another season. Also it looks like from spoilers and promo pictures that have been released that Mark and Meredith are talking because basically for every episode there's promo pictures for them together talking or at the bar and stuff.
If this leads to somesort of hook up between Mark/Meredith and then she is forgiven by Derek because she is Meredith I'll eat rat poison because that would make him a hypocrite and if he can't forgive Addison Meredith sure as hell doesn't deserve to be forgiven. Anyways that's about it. Loved Alex being lured back to Addison's surgery and talking to the baby when George was having trouble!
Also the Dad talking football to the baby girl was adorable, and all she's Daddy's little girl!! I liked it alot.
The whole Bailey/Burke/Cristina explosion is going to be so messy. I don't even want to get into it and Izzie is finally back at work. I also called the burn girl hurting herself on purpose because I know it's gone through my head a couple times but considering I'm a complete wuss I would never actually follow through.
Okay, and this is it honest, my pissed off comment about this episode, really-old-guy. Really maybe to some people that's hilarious and creative but last season on House there was a patient introduced who is called Coma Guy and it just might be a coincidence but people eat there. So I was really pissed when I saw that, I was like great fucking job copying House you bastards.
And after my Chem exam I'm going to finally put all my Friday Night Light thoughts together about all of the episodes. And also this week's CSI, CSI NY, Smallville and The Office.
I deleted all the Stargate Atlantis on my computer except The Eye from season one and The Return Part One and now have this awful urge to watch Atlantis. Which is sucky and my school only allows one gb a day of downloading off the internet.