Jul 10, 2004 02:29
Dear Sean,
Last night at a Hollywood fundraiser in New York City, John Kerry said his "campaign will be a celebration of real American values" and that "every performer conveyed… the heart and soul of our country."
According to media accounts, the performers took the stage to call the President of the United States a "liar," a "cheap thug who sacrifices our young," and "a killer."
This morning Sen. Kerry said, “Values are not just something you throw out in politics and you say I got better values than this. ...
[V]alues are something you live in the choices of your budget, in the people that you choose to help, in the things that you do in your energy to lift America and take it to a better place. Values are what you do in every day in American politics.”
Coincidentally, this weekend in Florida the Democratic Party will be finalizing their official Party Platform.
If Senator Kerry is serious he should ask the platform committee to include the following:
The Democrats' opposition to military funding for our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq (votes against the 87 billion and skipped 25 billion)
The Democrats' opposition to marriage penalty and child tax credit relief for families (Kerry and Edwards voted against)
The Democrats' opposition to middle class tax relief (Kerry and Edwards voted against)
The Democrats' belief that the reason we went into Afghanistan after the attacks of 911 was to build a gas pipeline (Fahrenheit 911's allegation embraced by DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe)
The Democrats' opposition to Laci’s law and support of Partial-Birth Abortion.
A document that truly reflects values of the Democrats leading the ticket--the actions as Senator Kerry puts it--would look much different
than the draft document the DNC is considering now.
I suspect the problem is if they wrote a document that honestly reflected John Kerry’s record it would excite the people at that New
York fundraiser last night. It might double their contributions, but it might cut his support in half in New Mexico and West Virginia--where hate and vitriol are not America's heart and soul.