a little later on in august... ...august 2020. . .

Aug 26, 2020 15:22

and well into a genuinely worrisome pandemic -

- which word is now being about as universally° misused as is ''epicentre'' -

- seeing as it actually means, an epidemic affecting multiple continents:

it gives no necessary indication of any particular severity°° of symptoms suffered by those infected by it;

- but in any case, i hope that none of my friends as may remain ''here'' on lj suffer badly from covid-19,

and that one or other of the currently likely-looking vaccine candidates proves successful,
and is rapidly made universally available:

for not only does this particular pandemic provide warning that healthcare is a global concern;

it has, by its source, spread - and costs - reiterated that the health of the rich & megawealthy few
is truly dependant upon the health and living standards of the poorest and most crowded-together many.

° - i.e. on uk tv, radio and in what little of the press now read by yr hmbl srppnt.

°° - nor severity, nor lack thereof

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