New Goal...

Jul 07, 2010 21:49

Not that I need to do this, but I've decided to start a new challenge.
Goal = Watch 365 movie (specifically movies, not TV shows) in 365 days.

I know, I already watch a lot of movies/tv why add more???
Well I stare at my netflix and it just doesn't seem to get any smaller... It's time to defeat my netflix.. And I thought it would be fun. And I was slightly inspired in a "Julie & Julia" sort of way by the character in a little indie film called "Film Geek."
It wasn't spectacular but the main character had a superpower-ish-ness (I know, making up words) film knowledge... Anyways, I need more film.
Wish me luck.

I shall start today??
Oh and I'm always up for recommendations. That is if I haven't seen it yet.
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