Apr 02, 2008 00:03
Planning for a ROM is hard.
In the first place, i've never been a planner of any sorts. Just like to do whatever i feel like that day or flow where the wind is blowing.
And when two nua-ers combine together, it kind of makes planning.. even more.. impossible.
So yeah, i'm getting ROM-ed..
After the constant whining and bitching about how difficult it is to find someone right.. i finally found the guy whom i came to envision a future with.
It's funny how this fate thing works at times. That person may be just right in front of you sometimes.. but you may not even notice it, unless by some kind of freak accident, or by chance incidents, that you suddenly realise, hey! you know, that guy is what i have been searching for this whole time. And fuck whatever the criteria you have for that "perfect guy" He may not be the best looking person, the most charming person on this earth, But hey, he fits me perfectly. Just like how you look into the mirror and see yourself, well.. not yourself, but the male version of you.
And that is how it is with him. I see myself in him and i can be myself when i'm around him. No airs, no secrets. It's scary how we know what each other think about at times, but then again. That's why i love him so much =)
Ah well, enough of the lovely dovey stuff.
Back to the main topic.
Planning for ROM is a huge chunk of work. Blame it on myself on not wanting to just get solemnized at the ROM and wanting to do it somewhere where no one has ever did it before.
It took us weeks before we could contact someone to discuss about the location. But luckily, that is settled.
Now for the rest of the stuffs, and we have two months more to go. So yeah, does any one has any suggestion on caterer, decos, tentage reccomendations? Any info would be gladly appreciated =)