Last to days I spent quite a bit on Naia, my cat.
At Zooplus.es I bought a big game-circuit/scratcher.
And toys.
And a collar with identification. It's as important as the chip since most people will not bother going anywhere to check if there is one. She's not supposed to leave home, but you never know when she'll take an interest on the outside world and manage to escape.
And food. It's a special brand, quite hard to find and a bit expensive, but after much reading I realised how SHITY is most of the food sold. Even the very expensive and suposedly natural brands. Apparently cats hardly know how to process carbohydrates and vegetal proteines but most brands uses grains to "fill in" and when they say the food contains hight % of proteines it's many times vegetal proteines (which aren't the ones they can correctly process). Not to speak about the fact that many times the meat % is very very low and originates from uncontrolled sources (anything that can't be fed to humans, most horrifying of all animals dead for whatever reason). So, even if it's more expensive, the cat will actually need around a 30% less food so it's not so bad.
http://www.ziwipeak.com Oh, and a pic I took recently of her: