Gratz, we now are one step more away from freedom and privacy

Jul 08, 2008 10:20

It passed through the parliament. No we are one step nearer never being ale to install ANY P2P in the computer and our Internet Service Providers spying all data transfers we do.
Hope you enjoyed the free mp3, the avis and all the rest because in a short time it may be something of the past.
This link explains what the whole thing is about quite well:
FFII - European Parliament rushes towards Soviet Internet
Some bits:

Brussels, 04 July 2008 -- Amendments to the European Telecommunications directive being rushed through the European Parliament propose a "Soviet internet" where software publishers and internet service providers watch traffic and data for Hollywood. Software and services that run on the internet would have to ask for permission of the regulators.
allow administrative authorities in each Member State to define which are the authorised software applications for the internet.
"Tomorrow, popular software applications like Skype or even Firefox might be declared illegal in Europe if they are not certified by an administrative authority.
In Europe the amendments want to make spying a natural obligation for communications providers.
"The agenda to establish a Chinese Internet Wall in Europe is set by few ultra-copyright lobbyists. (...) intentions to spy all us with the excuse of the protection of copyright. It sets a precedent for market control: Regulating large parts of Internet communication, provider contracts, software development and thus internet businesses.(...)Are industrial secrets of our European companies and privacy of our citizens to be sacrificed just to preserve legacy business models of Hollywood?"
Over 300 amendments and fundamental concerns on different issues, such as free speech, censorship, net neutrality and trade secrets should be reviewed with greater care.
If you don't know what to do to help prevent that, it's actually quite easy. START SCREAMING! tell everyone about this law, write about it everywhere, write to newspapers asking why they aren't informing of this, write letters to the Free Speech/Director's letters every single newspaper has, explaining why you don't want to be controlled... Just... make noise, make everyone aware of it so that the government actually has a reason to not approve this law.

links, news, rants, rl, online

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