The few pics I took during the Salon del Manga Weekend. Still not totally OK after the M10M tour and Heroes del Silencio and going back to work, the next busy dates arrived.
This year things got some more complicate because Kera was in Barcelona. I only went one of the days.
I won´t be in Kera. I specifically requested not to because it´s not my thing, I dislike been taken on pics and, on top of that, most of my clothes were dirty after the concerts.
(Click on pics to see them bigger.)
01 - Thursday 14h - Kera Pics 1st session
People walking around while one of the photo shoots was taking place.
02 - Thursday 14h - Kera Pics 1st session
People waiting while one of the photo shoots was just finished.
03 - Thursday 14h - Kera Pics 1st session
Group after all pictures were taken. (-photographer and hector, who took this pic).
04 - Thursday 14:30h - Kera Pics 1st session
Space Invader in random building.
05 - Thursday 18h - Salon del Manga
Metro Rambla Just Oliveres big promo poster for Gothic Dolls concert.
06 - Thursday 20h - Salon del Manga - Lolita in Wonderland Stand
07 - Thursday 20h - Salon del Manga - Lolita in Wonderland Stand
08 - Thursday 20h - Salon del Manga - Lolita in Wonderland Stand
Ash sitting in the Lolita in Wonderland Stand.
09 - Thursday 20h - Salon del Manga - Lolita in Wonderland Stand
One of the dresses.
10 - Thursday 20h - Salon del Manga - Lolita in Wonderland Stand
11 - Saturday 5am - After the not-so-Visual Party
In the subway corridors doing random stupid pics.
12 - Saturday 5am - After the not-so-Visual Party
In the subway corridors doing random stupid pics.
13 - Saturday 5am - After the not-so-Visual Party
In the subway corridors doing random stupid pics.
14 - Saturday 5am - After the not-so-Visual Party
In the subway corridors doing random stupid pics.
15 - Saturday 5am - After the not-so-Visual Party
In the subway corridors doing random stupid pics.
16 - Sunday 16h - Salon del Manga
Ashriel and Mouse with some friends.
17 - Sunday 17h - Salon del Manga
Ashriel with a friend. *L*
18 - Sunday 17h - Salon del Manga
Ashriel with a friend. *L*
19 - Sunday 17h - Salon del Manga
Ashriel with a friend. *L*
20 - Sunday 18:30h - Salon del Manga - Den´s Stand
The "no-pics allowed" was asking to be taken on pic. *LOL* Who needs enemies when you can have friends like us?
21 - Sunday 19:30h - Salon del Manga
HAD to take the pic. I don´t think any comments are needed... The moment she turned around I got a total shock. *LOL*