Somehow... the fans replies in there are more disturbing to me than any other things I've heard in all this years around the net.
I guess it's because it's official and I know he can actually understand the messages. Si I find it more disturbing than random messages on unofficial forums.
BTW, I found out about that myspace just because I was checking what JaME said about Blood in Barcelona (it doesn't says much).
There was an interview with Yoshiki and it mentioned a myspace, so I had to go check it. *rolls eyes*
Couldn't help myself and created a LJ Sindication
I cleaned a bit my friends and sindications (things like genbeta, slashdot, etc... that at the momment I'm not interested into). Hopefully I'll get it cleaned enought to be able to read all and not only the super-filtered friends group I have.
I also changed my layout. It's quite standar pre-fabricated layout. But it's OK for awhile. I wanted something in clear colours.