Hey haven't updated in a while, i'm at home sick cuz i've been sick for like the past 4 days and it SUCKS! I want to get better. Being sick really made my birthday, which was on saturday, majorly suck. Cuz we had a water polo tournament and we got home at 8 and i was so exhausted so i just went to sleep, I really wanted to go to the soccer game! Sunday I went out to chevys on the river w/ kelly chel rach and my mom and dad...We wanted our own table and my parents were flippin about it, i didn't know it was supposed to be that kind of dinner. the stupid people ran out of hats too i was sooooooo mad!! thats why you go to chevys on your bday! TO GET A FREAKIN HAT!! grrr... I don't even know why I'm updating nothing is really goin on in my life. Homecoming on friday, i'm excited for that, another lame excuse to get out of school early. I REALLY WANT TO GO SEE SHARK TALE!!!!! This weekend should be fun cuz its just gunna be me and my dad which means more freedom , but i gotta get thru this week first. yea and i got a digital video camera for my bday!! JONO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!! time to film, "You Got Served...Again" ahh i get to watch a kings game on sunday cuz of the whole comcast deal! Finally the seasons almost back..shit tho, i got my grades today. I need to stop fucking slacking. I'm getting an F in world civ, 3 D's, 1 C, and 2 B's. I defiently threw them away, hopefully my parents won't ask, but now, how to bring up the grades :-/
On a lighter note check out these
Scott, Kelly, Rach at Kellys bday dinner
haha costume partay for the team...few people missing, megan was a euro water polo player we drew a happy tail on her it was awesome
and just for old times sake...