Sep 21, 2004 09:15
So sittin here waitin 2 ride my bike to school, I couldn't get a ride so I called my mom and so I am just gunna wait for first period to end...ehh i don't really wanna go to PE Either but whatever. Yesterday was super exciting....NOT, i kinda ran away from jon at lunch time cuz I knew he was gunna ask me out, and then he called me fucking 27 TIMES DURING LUNCH i was at the hotdogger with kevin tim and tony and jessica and i was just like IM TRYING TO ENJOY MY FUCKING HOT DOG!! yesterday at lunch was the first time i hung out w/ tony since my party. I was suprised he was actually really cool to me and I think he actually does want a friendship. I feel and look like crap today blaah. oh well i'll live, alrigty off to school...
oh yea...MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 10 DAYS!!!