Aug 19, 2004 12:38
posting in this journal makes me feel like a self-absorbed, mopy bastard most of the time...maybe, well, because i am alot of the time... and only seem to hit it when those kinda feelings are at their highest. i used to spend hours writing and rewritng letters to people that i knew and then never send them and i guess stuff like this has sort of filled that niche. but anyways....
i just got back from the dentist and it looks like most of my teeth are fucked. i coulda figured that one out myself but it's nice to know exactly what's fucked with them. looks like i have root canal and the surgical extraction of the one wisdom tooth of mine that actually came in (and is now broken and jagged) plus a shitload of fillings that should be done and thanks to the fine folks at my parents dentist's office who are gonna leave my name off the reciepts i should be able to get it covered by my father's union's health plan even though i'm over the age that such things could usually be covered. now it's just a matter of seeing what can be squeezed in before me and heather leave for BC and down under. at least i should be a little less likely to end up rockin the "neil tribal war" teeth now.