A Real Life Post! Because It Has Been Too Long...

Jan 29, 2012 00:34

So, hey kiddies! I realized that recently all of my posts have been big, whiny baby posts about my ex-boyfriend. SO, I decided to change that minor detail and create an RL post about everything that's going on with me, not that anyone really cares.

Ugh, it's the third week of school and I already have two exams next week! This makes me sad. I have bio and physics though, which are two of my best subjects at this current moment in time, so it's not too bad. The week after, I have ochem and nutrition, and I am full of dislike for this fact.

Classes aren't actually that bad. My bio teacher has a stutter, and God help you if you get him excited about anything. He talks over himself and is generally un-understandable for the rest of class. BUT he's a pretty nice guy and seems very overeager to endear himself to us, which I find a good, manipulatable trait in teachers :P. And my physics teacher is this Asian lady, she seems very smart and makes all this dumb fluid dynamics stuff seem much better than it is. She also seems to change her accent from slightly American to slightly less American when she gets excited, but that doesn't happen too much. Her personality is very much like you're her child's best friend come over to play, and she's offering you milk and cookies.

My nutrition teacher is this young brunette woman who is NOT a TA, but rather a licensed nutritionist. She's a bit of a MILF, I suppose, although I personally don't really see it. I'm sure the boys in that class will be able to explain that statement better than I can. She's nice enough, seems pretty sweet. I just am bored to tears by her stupid subject. My theater teacher = Trelawney. End of story. And then my ochem teacher is a bit of an ass. He's this old guy, and he seems friendly enough, but he has no idea how college works. He doesn't give us readings out of the book, he doesn't give us lecture notes, he doesn't have a website. He simply talks about whatever he wants to in class, doesn't write anything on the board except one or two reactions once in a while, and expects us to ace his exams. I CALL BULLSHIT ON HIM.

Work is getting annoying, I'm thinking of quitting soon. It's a bit too cold outside for me to walk around at night all the time. I work as campus police, and that's all I do, is patrol around outside in my admittedly very classy police uniform. The money is always good, but I'd rather do something where I can be, you know. Inside.

Two of my friends turned 21 this week. Sigh. It looks like fun from this side of the Age Line.

One of said friends was telling me about his housing woes and how he didn't know where to go for next year, so I jokingly told him to come live with me. He took it seriously and called the place where I have a contract for next year and asked them to add his name to my contract. I was like "Umm, WTF?" and then I called the place, and some strange person was like "Yeah, dun worry, iz good, u no get boy roomie if u no wants." So then I called my friend back and told him that I couldn't room with him, due to the tiny fact of MY PARENTS WOULD KILL ME. He was like "Ohh, yeahhh, I understanddd, that's cooool, don't worryyyyy."

It occurs to me that I perceive the people around me in a strange way.

So on Sunday, one of my friends who lives in Kuwait with my ex-boyfriend, S., told me that all of S.'s friends told him that he was in fact going out with A. from India. I asked S. about it, and finally, after 7 months of denial, he admitted that they hooked up in Bangalore 11 days after he broke up with me. And again, right before Halloween, when they went to New York together. I am obviously mad that he lied to me about it for 7 months, because he shouldn't have kept involving himself with me if he did that. I know he loves me, but I'm really hurt that he did that, first of all, and that he lied for so long, second. I used to ask him, to his face, like every other day, about A., but he kept denying it.

I've been switching around a lot between being furious and hurt. He wasn't really helping that much either, like if I yelled at him about it, he'd get mad and yell at me back. Well, when you screw up, you're not supposed to yell back about it. But right now, we're in a tentatively peaceful spot. He was, and still is, an important part of my life, and I'm not ready to cut him out. But rest assured that my eyes are wide open about him, you will find no rose-colored spectacles on my face. I think I am content with being single for right now.

But the rest of boy-world disagrees. P. has been and still is interested, and we've been hanging out and chilling together a lot since the start of the semester. I see him at least three or fours days out of the week, and each time for several hours at a time. The thing is, he's graduating this semester, both of us know that there's no future in a relationship between us, so it's kind of nice to be unofficial and not that attached. When he moves, I don't think I'll miss him as anything more than a friend. The thing is, he's just like the perfect guy, and I feel dumb for passing up an opportunity. Like he's super hot, he's the president of his frat, his hometown is like ten minutes from mine, he's also ABCD, and he's just so chill and nice. For me, he's everything I look for in a guy, but I just can't make myself feel something more for him, I can only see him as a friend.

And this guy, A., asked me out earlier this week, too. He's a friend, so it gets a little awkward to find a good way of getting out of these things. And of course, a different S., one of my best friends, has been keeping up with his usual drunk asking me out every week. Last night, he tried to get me to come downstairs to his apartment with him, smh. ATTENTION BOYS. I am NOT interested in any of you, so leave me alone for a little while, please!

So, uh, I'm supposed to be studying for physics at this current point of time in my life, so I think I had best return to that. These waves won't learn themselves.

real life, update

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