It's come to my attention that, sadly enough, despite the nearly overwhelming acceptance Blaine and I have received here - which, really, is more than anything I could have expected and, in some cases, makes this place a little more tolerable than it would be otherwise - some of you are severely lacking in some very basic and very much needed education.
Namely this: I am gay.
I am 100% completely and totally, irreversibly gay.
That means I like boys. I like romance with boys. I am not gay simply for the forbidden thrill of it all, I am just... romantically attracted to boys. This doesn't mean I'm disgusting or a leper or someone who practices weird... rituals with octopi or whatever some of you have been telling the otherwise unknowing among us.
I enjoy the same things you heterosexual couples out there do. Walking hand in hand down the street. Enjoying a nice conversation. Getting held by the boy I love. Getting sung to. Having a nice, romantic dinner...
I don't expect everyone to be okay with it, I know better than to expect that. But given the confusion some of you obviously have about exactly what being gay means, consider this a sort of... open forum.
So please, ask away. It's better than getting told something by someone who doesn't know anything other than superstitions or assumptions.
That means you, Bubbles. I don't know who has been telling you things, but they need to desperately be addressed.