You know?!

Mar 12, 2010 16:40

Sometimes I wonder....

Today I was in a good mood for about 5 minutes...because!!!! I PASSED MY MuSIC CONTENT TEST!!! :) :)....then i went to IC...and those kids...are just so frustrating. THey just WON'T STOP TALKING or disrespecting us....aghhhhh I mean they listen when you are talking to them individually...but they have this very OTHER personality in a group setting...

I also wonder...when I'm going to just SIT DOWN AND LEARN THIS DAMN SAXOPHONE PIECE!!! AGH!.. I just need to stop being afraid of it.

My recital is too close.

I keep looking around..and thinking back..and I realize that we have all changed so much. I used to be friends with some people like......yes.... BUT now..its like..I don't even want to see them or be around them. Makes me sad... I miss how we all were 2 years ago. Maybe we were ignorant of our true selves? I know now I'm trying to do things for myself and be myself as much as do people just hate me? and who ...i am and that's why they treat me like shit someitmes..OR do....I just have such a bad personna toward them that they act that way...i mean..I'm so confused.

I'll write more later..

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