Fated Love

Dec 24, 2010 20:04

 chapter two

"Yah...watch out..." Donghae shouted angrily to the man in front of him that bumped into him.

"Sorry." The man replied with a small voice.

"Hey..are you okay?Are you hurt?" Donghae asked with a more gentle voice after he saw the man's trembling body.He knew he scared him.Donghae didn't know what's wrong with him.He should has leave but he slowly approached the man and standing in front of him.

Hyukjae knew he bumped into someone and he lost his balance and fell down but he didn't care.He keep on lower down his head trying to hide his tear.He didn't want anyone to see him crying.It was until the man asked him "are you hurt?" then only he has responded."Yes,I'm hurt.My heart is so hurt.Why can't this pain just fade away?"He shouted in his head.

"Mind telling me what has happened?"Donghae really don't know what has came to him.He is not a friendly person but he just can't left this man like this,he guess.He offered his hand to help the man up.

'Oh no..did I shouted it out?'He don't understand himself.He is not a person that will tell others when he is hurt but why now.He saw a hand in front of him and he grabbed the hand and stand up.

Now both of them can see each other clearly.They are staring at each other and their eyes met together and locked on it.Hyukjae really thinks that this man in front of him is very handsome even he smells like alcohol.He has a pair of brown color puppy eyes that people can't resist it especially him.He is tall and he has a great body build up.Donghae never saw anyone as beautiful as the man in front of him in his life.He is really beautiful like a girl even he is crying.He has a white milk cream body.He maybe not as tall as him and is a bit clumpsy but what made him feel addicted was his red plumped lip.He wonder what would it like to kiss those lip.'Lee Donghae,you must have crazy and drunked thinking to kiss a man's lip.'said Donghae to himself.They keep on staring each other and lost in their own mind.

"Hmm..can you let go of my hand?"Hyukjae was the first one to come back sense and broke off the contact.He felt really embrassed seeing his hand was held by a man.

"Oh yeah..sorry."Donghae then let go of his hand."So shall we sit down to share your story if only you want to tell me and by the way I'm Lee Donghae."He looked at the male in front of him and he is amused by seeing his red cheek because of embrassement.He is really cute,like a monkey.

Hyukjae noded and they sit down at the bench nearby.Hyukjae just can't resist this man's demand.He guess it will be okay by telling him his story."I'm Lee Hyukjae."He wipe away his tear and take a deep breath to continue his word."I was dumped by my girlfriend...tonight was supposed to be a wonderful night..but it ended up like that..."He then showed Donghae the small box that he held for God know how long it is."see,I was planning on proposing her to be my wife..to live with me..."He begins to sob again as he remembered back the insident.

Donghae opened the box and there laid a beautiful shinning ring."It's beautiful."

"I guess no one will be like me..so damn failure...AH---I'm a failure man..."He shouted out his hurt.Really he always thinks the most terrible ending for a failure proprosal is to be rejected and get embrassed by it but never he thought will be dumped on this supposed special day.Guess he really is a failure man when it comes to relationship.

"You must be in love with her so much."

"Yes,I am.But she told me that she never in love with me.Three years,we have been together three years,yet it is not love and she just found her love with other man in one week." Even he tried to hide his tear in front of Donghae but it's just keep on falling,too fast and too much that he is not fast enough to wipe it away.There is a silent between them.None of them spoken.Hyukjae's tear is flowing together with time.

Don't know for how long it passed then Donghae suddenly voice out."Hey...you know...you're not the only failure man here..."Hyukjae stopped crying and looked at Donghae but the man just keep on watching in front as like it was not him saying those words.Hyukjae can't understand the meaning of the sentence but he decided to not ask anything and wait for Donghae to continue.It took a long time after that sentence and Hyukjae begins to think that it was his fascination or imagination then only Donghae started to speak again.

"I catched my girlfriend cheating on me with other man in my house in my bed." Here he goes again to mute but too shocked of listening that Hyukjae can't say a word of comfort."Three years,you know it's same with your relationship,I really love her but she said all she wanted was my body.There is no love betwwen us." His eyes started to tearing up.Before it can fall,he wipe away with his hand roughly."I guess she has been cheating on me when the time I'm not around.How stupid can I be until now only found it out.HA HA HA..."

Even he is laughing but Hyukjae knew there is a hurt in his heart.He's hurt too.But Hyukjae don't know what to do to faded away the pain as he is hurt too.All he can do is continue looking at him.

"HA HA HA...we are such a failure man when it comes to relationship..." said Donghae sacrastically.

After his sacrastic laughing,Donghae suddenly quiet down and become serious."Will we find our love and happiness that we will not be in hurt again?The pain is just so heavy and hurt."

Nope of them spoken as they lost in their own mind.Hyukjae don't know how to answer Donghae's question.He himself is also on the road of searching and finding.He thinks only God would have know the answer.He looked up the sky hoping to see or hear the answer from God.They just don't want to be hurt anymore.Will they?

"If woman can't,will it work if we try on man?" Donghae don't know what've come to him.He must've crazy.This idea just spoken out like that and it made him shocked.OH No..both of them are shocked!Donghae looked at the male beside him.His eyes are widen and he stay stunned.Donghae chuckled with his expression.Then he smirks when another idea crossed his mind."Maybe we can try on each other.." He definitely goes insane already.

"If woman can't,will it work if we try on man?" What's this man talking about?Hyukjae is really confusing now."Maybe we can try on each other..." WHAT!!WAIT!!Could it be...that he's talking about??HELL NO!!!!The next thing Hyukjae knew is that his lip is pressed by another pair of demanding lip and he's losing it....
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