(no subject)

Dec 14, 2004 22:12

i am amazingly bad at christmas. i can't stand the music, i hate all the commercials, there's nothing worse than wading through crowds of people at every store just to buy something that whomever i give to MIGHT like, i always want to buy the right thing for everyone but never know what that gift is, and i spend entirely too much money. then christmas comes around, and sure, i get plenty of presents, but its either stuff i'd already get anyways (ie. the underwear and toothbrush my mother routinely gets me december after december) or something i dont need and wouldnt have bought for myself...and in gift exchanging, essentially, one buys a something for themself, but someone else picks it out...so if one gets an awesome gift for say 40 dollars and gets a 15 dollar present from that same person, he or she spent 40 dollars for 15 dollars worth of something that he or she didnt even get to pick out for his or herself... its crappy..sure though, that works both ways, but in my personal experience, with most people other than my parents and my doctor brother, i am the one who spends more... so anyways, the only good part about christmas is the guaranteed great meal with family i dont often get to spend time with, which is why, i say cut the crap, and lets just have 2 thanksgivings instead of 1 thanksgiving and a christmas.
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